Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Your Future Looks Bright," Thank You Fortune Cookie!

Dear Henry,

Last Thursday we had lots of errands to run. You and I drove to visit J. Uriah and Tommy were at the screen door when we arrived. Tommy was yellin' out the door, "You got that baby with you? Is that baby awake? I think he wants to wake up!" By the time you're old enough to read this Tommy will no longer be speaking in his hyper speed cartoon voice so imagine that was all said in one second.

Tommy went with his grandma and J, Uriah, you and Mommy loaded in the car and headed over to the next town over to sign J up for the GED test. She has taken the classes some time ago and did well and is hoping to pass all parts the first time.
Mommy is so excited for her and J and Mommy gave each other a big high five after we got back in the car and we realized what we just did. We made a stop so J could pay a bill. We passed a Sonic on the way there and J and Mommy couldn't resist getting a cherry lime aide and something to eat. When we pulled into the parking lot we spotted a giant hot dog mascot and J jumped out of the car so I could get a photo of her with it. It was pretty funny and Uriah shrieked with laughter next to you from the back seat. It was getting later and you and I had to pick up Daddy a rental van in Indianapolis for our trip to get his driving evaluation in Evansville the next day. We said our goodbyes and picked up the van. On the way home you and Mommy drove back through Greenwood, Indiana so we could pick up Lotus Garden for dinner.

Lotus Garden is an awesome Chinese food place with a lot of atmosphere. It was decorated in what I would guess was the mid 60's? in a tiki style with a little bridge over a fountain as you wall in. The walls have grass mats attached, the ceiling has lantern lights, and the carpet is red patterned carpet older than Mommy. The decorations are both endearing and why you go to the place and also reason to eat with a touch of fear. The ceilings are blackend/yellowed tiles,

I'm guessing it is due to the years that smoking was allowed inside. Things are peeling and discolored all over the place but it is one of the few places that is a sit down Chinese restaurant with silver platters that you lift a little lid off of like you're royalty.

Mommy's mom and dad, Grandma P and Crappaw, used to take Mommy and Uncle Gary there as kids. It was a big treat. Grandma P and Crappaw even have a story of when they first married they ate so much that they had to lay in the back of the truck and take a nap before returning home.

After Daddy and Mommy got married Mommy got Daddy to begin to like Chinese food by taking him to Lotus Garden. From the time I was maybe 4-5 years old, I can remember walking across the little bridge and Grandma P or Crappaw giving me a penny to throw into the little well. As Mommy and Daddy went to Greenwood
while doing fertility treatments trying to get you here and after our couple of visits to the Independent Adoption Center we would eat at the Lotus Garden. Every time on our way into and out of the restaurant Daddy and I would make our wish that THIS would be the time we would get to be parents and throw our penny in, sometimes a nickel or dime for good measure. For about 6.5 years we did this.
So forgive Mommy if this trip over the bridge made my heart burst and my hands shake in disbelief that I was in fact taking you, our own little fortune cookie, over the bridge. I threw in three pennies in this time, on the way in and the way out.

Daddy was sad he wasn't there with us but the food in our hands took away a little of his disappointment when we arrived home.



Anonymous said...

I'll bet there is some crab rangoon in that box. I hope the soup travelled well. Love, Mom

Brook said...

Why do you insist on making me cry, so? I missed this post before. I have crossed that very bridge with the two of you, not knowing what your pennies were a wishin' for :) So glad your wish has finally come true!