Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hank Dazzles the Bleeding Heartland Roller Derby Gals

Dear Henry,

On Saturday we took you out, a little past your sleepy time I might add, to see Auntie Kristin, or should I say Auntie Betti Wreckognize, at her Bleeding Heartland Roller Derby kick off party. We stayed on the street and then at the Greek's Pizzeria next door to the kick off party as your library card does not suffice to gain you entrance into a bar. We introduced you by holding you up outside the window until Auntie Betti along with a string of tuff looking ladies in skimpy clothes made their way out to snuggle and oogle you in your skate shirt and booties.

Look out though Hank! When Piper, the woman that "gave" you the booties saw you she wasn't wanting to give you back. Piper wore those booties when she was a little girl and she loved seeing you looking so dapper in them.

Hopefully we will be able to attend Auntie Betti's first bouts on May 30th. She would be super happy to have her little nephew there to cheer her on

It doesn't matter where we go, people can see how special you are! Just chalk this one up to another one of the many many diverse and fun experiences we hope to offer you in your life.

Love, Mommy

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