Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hank Goes Derby

Dear Henry,

We had a great long week with Papa. He had this past Monday off, took Tuesday, worked two
days, then had Friday and the weekend off. It was super to have Daddy around with us. You have now become accustomed to taking your bath in the little tub from cousin Johnny; kickin' your little feet as Daddy pours water over your chest.

Friday we went to the police station to get our fingerprints so we could send off our final paper work as your adoption will finalize in the courts June 25th! The court date doesn't really change anything except we will be able to get a social security number for you and get your second birth certificate with your name on it, Henry John Carl Thompson. People often ask about your name...Henry doesn't really have any history for our family but Daddy really liked it and so did I. We talked about our imaginary Henry for YEARS! Now you're really here! Daddy's maternal grandpa Meyer's name and Mommy's paternal grandpa Foldenauer's name was Carl so that is where that came from. When we met J she told us about her family's tradition of naming just about everyone a name that starts with J. So we instantly thought John would be appropriate to honor your birthfamily and to honor your Daddy's paternal grandfather John as well.

We went home to be greeted by Crappaw, Grandma P and Cousin Johnny. Johnny loved playing with you this time and with only a slight protest at the use of his tub, he was all about Henry. You really interacted with him this time and when you launched yourself toward him from Grandma P's arms he was shocked and surprised. After and hour or so he decided he really wanted to hold you so Mommy stacked a bunch of pillows up around him and put you in his arms and he was super gentle and whispered to you, "ki, ki, ki, ki." Two sweet boys! I had to kiss you both. Then while Crappaw and Mommy were taking the pool cover off you hung out on Daddy's lap and watched Cousin Johnny avoid touching a frog we caught. Grandma P tried to show him it was okay to touch, and actually even kissed the frog's sticky green back! I wouldn't advise that in the future Henry but trying new things is always important, within reason.

Crappaw, Grandma P and Johnny returned to Columbus and we attended the 2009 Aurora Alternative High School graduation at the Buskirk Chumley Theater where Mommy had some of her old students graduating. Mommy felt very touched being at graduation this year because in a way she graduated too! The next time Mommy is teaching she will likely be in her 40's! I'm only 34 right now but we will likely have another little boy or girl in a few years and I get the joy of being home with the two of you. Until you start school Mommy doesn't start school... It was a nice affair and you looked super sweet and studly in your vest that Mommy's good friend Mindy Summers sent you way back when you were first born. Everyone commented on your good looks and sweet smile. How could they not? Check out this cute picture Mommy's teacher friend Barb took of you!

Saturday we got going early-ish to stroll through the Farmer's Market. Great fun! We felt very social and were able to show you off. Auntie Kristin and Auntie Carrie were there and fawned all over you. Auntie Kristin, however, was feeling the jitters of her first roller derby bout and had a hard time relaxing. We visited with an old high school friend, Brad Baute, and saw some of our neighbors. By the time the van came to pick us up you were sacked out and sweaty.

Daddy and I came back home and washed you up so you could cool down and relax. The three of us took a little nap then got ready for the Bleeding Heartland Roller Girls debut bout. It was our first and it was a lot of fun! We were able to stay through Auntie Kristin's, (or "Betty Wreckognize") bout and she kicked butt for her first time. She was stealthy and sneaky! We wanted Auntie Betty to feel lots of support so we made you a t-shirt that says, "Betty Rox." You wore your little crocheted skate booties and people looked at you like royalty. It was REALLY loud in there but you didn't seem phased and took the time to look around as much as possible.

Sunday we just hung out and after discovering that our cable service has a whole karaoke channel, Daddy and I sang songs all night. You really responded to a few punk rock numbers, which of course made us happy.

You seem to be changing so quickly right now. Whenever Daddy sees something new in you, like when you crisply stated, "HOLA" this weekend, he says, "Grow up Henry but not too quickly." It is really happy times seeing you everyday know us a little more and developing love us too. We are so grateful and humbled by the experience and responsibility.

Love, Mommy


Amie said...

I adore the picture of Henry in his chair with the herringbone sweater. I can not wait to meet this little fella!

Anonymous said...

Do you see the glow, all around Henry, in the first picture? Grandma P

Lois Steele said...

I just did some speed reading & caught up on Henry's first 3 months! How fabulous!

After 4 kids & 6 grandikids (7th on the way) I can attest to the fact that they all grow up too fast!

Enjoy every blessed moment.You are all 3 lucky to have each other.

Lois Steele