Monday, May 11, 2009

A Ladies Day

Dear Henry,

Perhaps one day you'll wish for a day where many beautiful ladies are fawning all over you, saying how cute you are, rubbing your head and squealing at seeing you, I will remind you of these early days. This very thing happens to you ALL the time! I feel like I am with a celebrity. Just the other day I was at the grocery getting hamburger and an older gentleman... (old men love you too! and it works to my advantage too because I get lots of complements.) at the meat counter was saying how cute you are and asked your age and I told him 8 weeks with pride in my voice that you've made it this far in our care. He told me I looked great! I said, "Thanks! You should see his birthmother! She looks really good!" He laughed and said oh what a blessing that you adopted and walked away. About 5 minute later a woman at the opposite side of the store getting milk comes barging toward me with a purpose, I nearly looked over my shoulder to see if she was coming for me. She was, she said, "OH MY! He is cute! Some old man I don't know just told me I had to come meet this baby and hear your story." HA!

So back to the real purpose of this post...
This Friday our special cousin Kyra invited us over for a mothers day brunch. Grandma P was there, Auntie Lea, Mamaw Janie, Molly, Martha, Nellie, Kyra, Grannie,
cousins Clayton and Hannah as well as Kyra's boys JD, Kolsen and Nash, and their Daddy Matt showed up later.

The ladies loved you and were so excited we are all a family now. When we first got there Auntie Lea and Kyra fought over who got to hold you first, like a bride's maid going for the bouquet at a wedding reception! Luckily no one fell over exposing their undies and nothing popped off of you. Then JD was all about holding you. He was great with you! I told him that part of the reason J said she picked us was due to a photo of JD and I playing Lincoln Logs. JD swelled with pride and became your personal protector.

Nash waited patiently for his turn to hold you. He loved strokin' your hair and snuggling you and was so SWEET!

Kyra made a bunch of great food to eat and my heart swelled up thinking about not only finally being a mother but that I am YOUR mother.

We stopped by Grandma LaJean's to visit with your great Aunt Ruthie and Great Grandma Hazel and then headed on home. Aunt Ruthie bought you a cute lil outfit with tigers on it. I can't wait to see you in the stripes!

It was a nice time! and I really appreciated that this year we could be a part of it in a whole new way.

I love you sweet cheeks,

1 comment:

Nellie said...

henry was such a delightful addition to the day! Now check out Kolsie's hair in the group photo and deny that's outta control!
Can't wait to see you all again soon!