Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rub A Dub Dub, Mommy, Daddy, Baby and a Tub

Dear Henry,
Today was Hank and Daddy day. All day long you and Daddy talked, laughed, ate and napped together. For your bath today instead of sitting you under the stream of water in the basement sink you've come to love so much we decided to use Cousin Johnny's little tub. It was so hard for Cousin Johnny to part with it I felt we needed to at least try and use it at home. In short, YOU LOVED IT! You kicked your lil feet around and smiled big smiles at Papa.

I tried to play peek-a-boo with you by putting the wash cloth on your face and quickly pulling it off again but Daddy, consumed with the news lately, claimed I needed to stop instantly because I more or less just waterboarded our baby. I assure you, I did not and you gave me a bright eyed smile afterward so I know you aren't traumatized. You smelled extra sweet after your bath. After Mommy cleaned up the pee pee that you shot over the edge of the tub and onto the floor I wrapped you up in a warm towel so Daddy could snuggle you for a while and give you a fresh bottle.

Oh life can be so simple...

Love, Mommy


Brook said...

There you go, waterboarding your baby again. Jeez! LOL. You guys are hilarious.

Oh, and we have the same little tub that was Lily's cousin's. Hank fits in it better than Lil, though. She squinches down in the corner and scares us silly.

Anonymous said...

What in the hell does waterboarding your baby mean? I guess I need to google that one--I think I waterboarded all 3 of mine. Love seeing Little Hanky with his Daddy--so sweet--a man with a baby--the best! AMW

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that we (the ladies I work with at First Call For Help) check Henry's blog every work day and ooh and aah over him. We love his fashion sense! His blog site is on all the computers so we can check up on him anytime and anywhere we are at work.

Keep up the good work and know that we are looking at the pictures and reading of Henry' wonderful life with you and thank J with every entry you make.

Grandma Anne