Monday, April 13, 2009

Warped Notions of Love

Dear Henry,

I figured out this morning that being your Mommy has given me a warped sense of love.
I kept smelling a funny urinal like smell. I realized it was because I had accidentally put on the shorts you peed on two days ago...I am really not sure how as I had put them in the laundry hamper. Two days ago you pooped on my big toe while I was changing you. I will not likely sit cross legged and in bed to change you for a while. I do have a photo but there will be plenty of other embarrassing posts to throw out to the internets about you so I'll spare the readers and you.

But the pee pee pants and my pooped on toe just feel happy because it is another sign that you are real and I'm really your mama.


Letting you know how much I appreciate you,

PS: Don't get me wrong Henry, I did scrub my toes with soap and water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is SO cute--what a little man! His Mamma is pretty cute too!! Oh and I forgot to sign my other rude posting that I was not at Henry's party--it was me!! Amanda W