Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Big Boy Baths

Dear Henry, 
Bath time has been the subject of many posts on your blog.  This is most likely because it is hard to top the cuteness of a splashing naked baby with a dewy face and slicked down hair.
There are new developments on this front.  You no longer will sit in the sink downstairs and you will no longer sit in cousin Johnny's old tub, therefore you are now sitting on the bottom of the real bathtub with water up to your butt.  The first time Mommy and Daddy were a bit silly and didn't have a non-skid mat on the bottom of the tub and your little bum slipped and slid after those rubber duckies the entire time.  With the non-skid mat you sit still for the most part and splash your little heart out. Each time you get in the tub you seem to want to stay longer.  Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful you don't want to be filthy and sour smelling, I just have to change my clothes afterward because they are soaked from your glee filled frolicking.  These are the days I dreamed of.

Here is a photo of your reflection in the metal thingy at the end of the tub....

Love, Mommy
ps... click on the following links to revisit the previous bath posts.


Brook said...

What a cool picture, Lisa!

Lily likes taking baths like that too, I only put in a few inches of water and she likes to do the backstroke. I never thought of a no-stick mat, I put a towel in there and it seems like a waste of a washing. I'm out to buy a non-stick mat today!

Anonymous said...

Yes--These ARE the days--they are here!! AMW

Kristin said...

What a FABULOUS photo (and adorable tushy)!