Friday, November 13, 2009

Kitty Catty

Dear Henry, 

You love to chew on things... anything!  Paper is great but the side of the couch, your socks, my finger or anything! really anything will do.  You are getting a 7th tooth on your top right and a sneaky 8th on the bottom.  I suppose chewing helps you to relieve the pressure.  Right before you were born Mama tried REALLY hard to will herself to learn crochet or knitting because that is what she believes cute crafty mama's do.  I quickly discovered I can't will myself to make my hands magically produce a cute hat or an entire rhinoceros wrap like our good friends Mommy Brook and Mommy Heather can but I did crochet one square.  I left the square's tail loose and apparently stuffed it away, deep away in your play cabinet and you dug it out the other day.  You heard my echos calling you back out from deep within the recesses of the cabinet and you backed out to turned around with said square dangling from your mouth like a bird dog bringing master a retrieval.  We played with the sad excuse for a square for quite a while.  I would give you the dangly string end and get you to crawl away with it pulling out the stitches a little more each time.  You'd pounce on the string and pull some more until you grew tired and took a nap.  At least if Mama can't get a project put together she can give you some joy with her wonky stitches.

Love, Mommy


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