Friday, September 11, 2009

Grandma P's Sink Bath = Happy and Clean

Dear Henry,

Grandma P loves giving babies baths, although you seem much
more little boy than baby these days.... and you are no exception. When we are there she sometimes washes you 2 times in 1 day! I know! Mommy did not pick up on this as if you get washed a few times a week at home you're doing good. You don't mind. You enjoy splashing and getting snuggled when bath time is over. Grandma P might hate me for this but she was having a great time trying to make you smile. She was dancing around and waving a paper towel roll around in the air trying to get your attention.
These pictures are too cute so I had to share.


1 comment:

Brook said...

Oh my! What a cute little tushie. Sorry Henry, I just had to say it!