Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Box 'Em Up

Dear Henry, 
You've never been a boy about much fuss.  Mommy has been saving your diaper boxes so you can play in them.  Which by the way the Parent's Choice diapers broke your miniature butt out in a large size rash in one day, so I'm glad you are at least getting some use out of the box.  You love boxes no matter the size.  I stick you in the box and you usually perch your little arms on either side so you resemble something close to a gentleman out in his convertible on a leisurely afternoon.  Then I stuff a bunch of your toys in with you and you begin to sort and throw out the ones you don't want.  I look forward to getting you a big appliance box sometime and cutting holes in it for your sparky face to poke through.  I'll fashion a flap for the door so you can crawl out and in like a puppy dog.  I'll make you a skylight so I can look in on you.  I think you'll love it.

It looks like you're saying, "Hey Good Buddy, breaker 2-niner."

 Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He will love it for sure--my boys did. So easy to please!! AMW