Sunday, November 8, 2009


Dear Henry, 

You have been a master crawler for well over a month.  The last handfull of weeks you've moved on and are pulling up, teaching yourself how to get back down and cruising.  On Friday Mommy stood you up next to your push toy just to see if you might be able to stand at it.  You pushed it across the room.  WHAAAAT!!! Mommy and Daddy freaked!  We captured the second push on video, not as impressive as the first run but you did get the thing across the floor. It is very cute and a little frightening. 

Even more astonishing five minutes later Daddy left the room to answer the front door; while standing at your push toy you lifted one hand and waved bye bye to him!  Mommy was lucky, she was filming!  The last couple of days without prompting you've been waving at people we pass and while saying goodbye to people.  It makes Mommy feel a lot like butter left out on a hot stove...melty.  

You've also started saying Mommy and Daddy very specifically.  As mentioned in an old post, when you do things with purpose and on your own it kills me!  It kills me because it means you're super awesome and learning to become your own person so we doing an okay job...and it kills me because you're super awesome and learning to become your own person and you will come to need me a little less with each of these discoveries.  

Mommy is really okay with this.  I am proud of you working so hard to do more and more without whining or apprehension.  Of course with all of this brings some scratches, bumps and bruises.  Here is a photo of your first really good one.  Did you notice that your nose is running?  This is because your have two more teeth coming in to total 8!

Love, Mama
*Watch for an update, I'm going to add the videos later.

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