Friday, April 23, 2010

A Workin' Baby; Breaking Child Labor Laws or Responsible Parenting?

Dear Henry, 
You're a good working buddy these days.  I have to remind myself to think of the things you might be able to do and set you to task.  You always meet the challenge and give me a self satisfied smile after.  Lately you've started helping me pick up your toys before nap and bed time.  Two weeks ago we were in your bedroom reading books and it was time for lunch.  I asked you to put your books back on the shelf and just like that you picked them all up and put them on the shelf!  A few weeks ago I was getting the last remnants of fall and winter out of the courtyard. I took your little chair from Nissy and Jim out and bottle of water.  You'd take breaks and sit in your chair drinking water.  
You would help me put pine cones and stray leaves in the yard bag.  You also tried to help me pick the decorative rocks out of the flower beds and put them back into their home.  I can't lie, you had a hard time not tasting them first.  When I sprayed the mud off of the driveway you really just got in the way.  You loved it though.  You were soaking wet and covered in mud.  
 After the work was done we played in the back yard.  You started out by using your little foot shovel to dig a Peep size hole at the bottom of the ramp.  My little boy was getting so hungry and tired from work and play I couldn't keep the dirt out of your mouth and your hair was crazy!  Medusa herself would have tamed that coif. You started pinching your belly and I knew it was because you were feeling hunger pains.  So I washed you off and fixed you a lunch that was gobbled up so fast it was hardly made. It was such a fun day and like the end of any good day of play the flower pot was on your head and your clothes were scattered around the yard.
Looking forward to many more days like this with my workin' buddy.  I took a lot of pictures of your silliness. 
 Love, Mommy


Samantha said...

because it tastes sooooo good!

Nellie! said...

Yeah! Love the t-shirt!

Doug said...

I love that he pinches his stomach when he's hungry! It's pinching him, so he's pinching back. ;)