Monday, November 8, 2010

Bye Bye Chicago, Hello Michigan City

Dear Henry, 
Our last few hours in Chicago we drove Dadoo to work and worked our way back to the hotel to pack and to load the van.  Soon after, we ate a bagel then picked up Dadoo.  We braved the traffic out of Chicago and went to Ikea to get a Henny sized table and two chairs to bring home with us.  Then it was off to Michigan City for a visit with Mama's Auntie Glo, Uncle Dave, and cousin Joseph, another of your Greats.   We also hoped to see Uncle Donald, Aunt Diane, and Cousins Carl and Maria but it wasn't in the cards during this impromptu visit.  Maria reads about you all the time and sends me consistent questions about you on Facebook.  She's a sweetie and we wish that you could have finally met in person.  She loves babies so.  We did stop by Uncle Don's house to check out what new formations his garden has taken.  He is quite the artist using a media plants, concrete, wood, paint and found objects.  It really is beautifully impressive and eclectic, bordering on outsider art.   Every turn there is something new, up, down, under and through an old halogen light bulb becomes a jewel, recycled brick becomes a maze, old jars house miniature plant worlds, etched drawings and grand sculptures from concrete and wood become gateways to a culture that doesn't exist.   We plan on having him sculpt something for our backyard after we get a fence back up.  This year he was recognized for his work by winning the Michigan City in Bloom award.  
I can't help but think of your great grandma Stella smiling when he beat out her cousin across the street for first place.  All of it really does make your jaw hang agape.  
Click here if you'd like to see more of his work.  
Next ,we took a risk and went to visit Mama's Uncle Dougie and his partner Debbie who have a little 3 year old boy named Zachary.  I haven't gotten to meet Zachary yet and I was so excited to get the opportunity.  You took to each other instantly and you were jolting up the stairs to play cars with him.  He is so cute! and a great playmate with an open heart to sharing his toys with you.  I had a hard time pulling you away and we ended up visiting for about an hour and a half.  
At Auntie Glo's and Uncle Dave's Joseph showed you his own personal zoo complete with a chinchilla, dog, salamander/newt, and a rooster.  You were a little apprehensive of the rooster but every time he cock-a-doodle doo'ed we heard a Henry echo.  The chinchilla ran around their gazebo but the salamander you wanted to touch, as you stood with the safety of Glo and Joseph flanking you.  Later we went inside and Dadoo did some math with Dave while Auntie Glo snuggled with you in a big chair to read.  We played outside for a little while and you found some sticks you were fond of and Glo gave you a few of the gourds she had grown for her students.  
Once home you loved these gourds and they became your favorite morning toy for about 4 weeks.   We seem to have a hard time making it up to visit them but we always have such a nice time siding with lingering around over getting home early.
It is always great getting the opportunity to visit family.  It is a reminder of how many people are really on our side in this world.
Love, Mama

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