Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An Awesome Autumn Alphabet Adventure [8 & 9 of 26] Hot Tubbin' and Icing

Dear Water Bug, 
Though the weather has cooled you have not shied from the splish spash of Bahboo and Grandma P's hot tub.  You love it when they move you between them or put you under pulling you into the air quickly.  I just love watching you have fun.
H is for Hot Tubbin' with Bahboo and Grandma P

Almost daily you get out the mixing bowls, a spatula and the mixer finding the beaters from the top drawer you reunite them delivering them to me with the command, "COOKIES! MUFFINS!"   You also love identifying what each cookie cutter shape is so I wanted to make some sugar cookies with you for Halloween.  I tried to mix up some sugar cookie dough, allowing it to rest in the fridge over night.  As I tried to roll it out it was clearly not going to be good for cookie cutters.  I'm not sure what happened.  We followed the recipe precisely.  The taste was awesome so we recovered our mess by rolling them into balls then pushing them flat.  When it came time for decorating I used the pre-made black icing.  Little did I know that this icing was not quick to dissipate in the mouth.  Your face and hands were black for quite a while after.  It was still a good time...even if it left you looking like you had some type of scary zombie disease.  I hope to get the recipe right before Christmas cookie time!

I is Icky Black Halloween Icing All Over your Face and fingers!
Love, Mama

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