Friday, November 19, 2010

An Awesome Autumn Alphabet Adventure [5 of 26] E is for Every Leaf Sticking to Your Sweater

Dear Fall Monster,
Bahboo brings his tractor over with a cool leaf sweeper doodad on the back and helps us with our astronomical number of leaves.  In the midst of gathering l've come to the understanding that everyone around us rakes a nominal little pile of leaves to let them know it is fall while we are secluded to this little leaf cemetery, where all the other leaves come to be laid at rest and I am charged with being their undertaker.  With three pin oaks it the arrivals last well into march. I should add that by proxy it heaps on Bahboo's shoulders as well because even with an awesome backpack leaf blower and Dadoo with a tarp tied to his wheelchair the task is impossible for only two.  So enters the leave sweeper Bahboo purchased this year for both of our yards.  It takes about an hour to circle back and forth through the yard and dump at the street for the city to pick them up.  It turns our grass into what looks like a freshly vacuumed carpet.  Bet of all, for you it leaves behind the largest leaf pile EVA!  So Dadoo and I took you out the other day to romp and jump around in it.  You rolled and played chase for about 30 minutes in our Giza of discarded foliage.  But as you undulated in and out your sweater tried to camouflage you by grasping on to every leaf or twig that touched it.  I can't forget to mention how much I love hearing you giggle and watchin' you run, and for us the leaves have only just begun. 
E is for Every Leaf Sticking to Your Sweater

Love, Mama


Amy said...

Beautiful photographs of a very handsome little boy!

Brook said...

You wouldn't have needed to get him that Chewbacca costume for Halloween if you'd done this a few weeks earlier ;)

So cute! I bet you are still picking those pine needles out of the dryer!