Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An Awesome Autumn Alphabet Adventure [12 of 26] L is for Ladder Climbing & Late Night Leaf Jumping with your BFF

Dear Henry, 
Our fall has been so warm that we have had lots of wonderful weather to play on the many playgrounds in Bloomington.  On October 9th, 1 year 7 months for you, we made our rotation to Cascades park meeting up with Sam, Max and Samantha to find you stronger and more daring.  I attribute it to all of the gym time we've been spending.  You can walk up and down stairs upright holding on to the rail with one hand.  You can walk up slides and climb under and around things flawlessly.  On this particular visit you wowed us by climbing up the ladder on the side of the jungle gym.  I was sitting at the top and you grunted and pulled until you made it to the top.  Then I put your little person dolly at the top to motivate you.  No problem, you did it over and over again.  I love new cool tricks.
 L is for Ladder Climbing
L is for Late Night Leaf Jumping
Finally after weeks of no hangin' out we were able to get in touch with Devo, Mike and Megan.  They were in Indy and said they would bring us back some pizza from a special place there that half cooks the pizza so you can cook it up hot when you get home.  It was such delicious pizza.  OH MY!  You love pizza these days and sat at your Peep sized table with Devo to eat.  After dinner we went out back to have a fire and roast marshmallows.  The real fun for you and Devo was to jump around in the leaves.  It is fun to watch the two of you, still learning to navigate the etiquette of friendship... sometimes this means wanting the same toy at the same time and others it means sharing openly.  
Love, Mama

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