Monday, November 30, 2009

Moving On

Dear Henry, 
A couple of weeks have passed now since Mommy and Daddy's friend Adam Cline died. Discovered in early elementary school through his gym teacher who observed some unusual coordination issues, Adam lived with Muscular Dystrophy.  MD is a disease that breaks down the muscles and nerves in the body.  He used a chair like Daddy but by the time he caught pneumonia he had a hard time speaking, his eye sight was becoming worse and his hearing was fading.  Adam had a filthy mouth, even as his ability to get words out diminished and one would think each one would be chosen carefully he spoke like a sailor.  We would have without a doubt had to try and censor him around your precious baby ears. This is what was lovable about him.  He was Buddhist and a poet too, a softer side that gave him patience and deep spirituality.  We will miss him.  His wife, Stacy, said how much he would have loved to meet you and to see Daddy and I parents.  After college many of Daddy's friends moved far away but would always gather around Adam's birthday to celebrate another year we got to have him around in his predicted shortened life span.  As Adam's disease progressed his ability to travel and hang out weakened and our birthday meetings became harder and more impossible to arrange.  The last time we were all together was about 3 years ago at Adam and Stacy's wedding.  The memorial for Adam was bitter sweet because it did bring most of his friends together again.  In our friend Cameron's eloquent speech at the memorial he mentioned that Adam had a way of bringing people together and he did.  We were finally able to introduce you to Cameron and Andre and this was a gift.  People were in love with you and passed you around all day playing with you and giving you all kinds of food Mommy wouldn't at 7pm, such as Adam's favorite Swiss cake rolls.  Mommy will have to make the rest of this post in a couple of parts because I'll tell ya, stories that surround getting together with Andre and Cameron can run long.  People don't get how to work Mommy's camera so the one shot I'm in with the group I'm explaining how to push the button and you are wailing.  

Have a peaceful journey Adam and I hope we teach Henry to value every moment as much as you did.
Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Brook said...

What a sweet tribute, Lisa. I know he will truly be missed.