Tuesday, January 1, 2013

500th Post, A New Year and It is Official!

Dear Henny and Baby Lady, 
Well, let's just say it, 2012 kicked our asses.  There I said it.  Starting just before Christmas 2011 and ending on Valentines Day 2012 Daddy seriously battled pneumonia for the first time ever and it tried to take him seriously down and out at least twice.  I made the mistake or good fortune of reading the post today that I wrote while he was in rehab.  You can reference by clicking here...but I warn you, my eyes are still foggy and can't read the words I'm typing.  I had blocked out/forgotten a lot of it.  Over the year I've had mixed feelings when I consider how terrible it all was. Was it really?  Am I missing the point?  I mean, we were all together, we were really able to rely on our friends and family, and we made hard choices and Daddy is in full recovery.  Was it an amazing blessing of sorts?  Lots of scenarios could have made it much worse in the end.  The next crapper was... In the middle of Daddy's recovery at home after her hip replacement surgery it was discovered that Grandma Jean had a serious blod clot.  Due to staying in tune to her symptoms she got help early and that turned out good too.  
Then we found out two of our loved family were going into hospice, GG and Daddy's Aunt Kelli, at the same time.  While we didn't want to loose them we were able to be with GG almost to the end and share some amazing bonding growing time with GG, Krispie, Currie, Grandma Jean, Great Aunt Ruthie and Grandma P and Bahboo.  Aunt Kelli chose her course of treatment for her breast cancer from the start and lived her last years exactly how she wanted and had a wonderful memorial at their home with friends and family near.  A few months later Mama's outdoorsie, hilarious Uncle Buzzy was found to be done with his battle with lung disease but he had all of his siblings with him for a week and enjoyed his last day teaching his daughter and wife how to shuck walnuts, passing quickly after.  I had some humbling conversations with him in the last days.  The coughalator that saved Daddies life went to Wyoming with Grandma P and Bahboo...Buzzy was able to use a couple of times and cleared a lot of gunk out of his restricted lungs.  We all believe this likely gave him the extended couple of weeks he had.  His body gave many amazing gifts, renewing comfort and life to people who perhaps thought these were their last days or were in pain.  

BUT! Then, sandwiched in the middle, just two weeks after GG's passing Hazel you were born!  Our sweet baby lady girl came to us through WW's choice and trust in us.  OUT OF THE BLUE!  We re-met WW at the agency picnic and I am still in disbelief and I've been wiping your butt, feeding, bathing and dressing you for almost 4 months now.  Are you really here!? Our year...really.  We are still joyful and still standing.  Our hearts a little sore and our minds really missing GG, Buzzy and Kelli, but of all the challenging things 2012 threw at us we flipped it the bird.        So this brings me to our end of the year announcement, 500th post worthy sharing....HAZEL LUCILLE!  You are officially a Thompson as of December 20th, 2012.  
We finalized in the courts in Indianapolis with Grandma P, Bahboo, Uncle Gary, Grandma LaJean, Krispie and Currie.  The court ladies loved you! They oohed and ahhhed over your gold shoes and cute smiles.  After court we celebrated with an early dinner at an Italian restaurant and doubled the celebration with Grandma LaJean's birthday.  
We were grateful to have our family near and missed having Grandpa Tim and Trish with us.  Of course, GG was there in spirit (Henny you still go to her room to see if she is in there.  On Christmas I sat back in GG's rocker with you, Hazel and rocked with you and talked to GG a little.  It was snuggly and warm a make due way to be close and to share you with her.)  
Making it official is a pretty great way to end the year.  A pretty poignant reminder to be grateful, to not let down when you're in the middle of a storm and to know there is always going to be light around the corner if you wait out the blows and the scrapes and the fear, you'll be tougher because of it.  Happy New Year my little babies.  (for Henry's finalization, click here.)
Love, Mama

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