Friday, January 11, 2013

Hazel's Waxy 4 Month Check Up

Dear Skittle, 
 Your 4 month check up yielded more than just your weight or height update; you had a waxy right ear.  The doctor had to dig out junk.  You didn't like the nugget excavation and I didn't like it when he discovered your first ear infection.  I wasn't completely surprised.  Conveniently just the day before your appointment you were junky nosed and sounding like a pug half the night, occasionally choking on your thick sticky phlegm.  A good and gross example of this occurred just before the doctor came in, you were on your tummy squealing exuberant smiles at me as I snapped pictures of you and two seconds later and one snapped frame like a cat coughing up a hairball you choked on the stuff.   
The bottle I fed you to keep you satisfied at the doctor's office poured out.  Just after, you were back to smiles.  You're amazingly flexible and resilient!  You were in happy spirits though and smiled radiantly seconds after the assaults to your tiny ear (I did take a picture of the crap pulled out but I'll spare ya) and to your tiny legs when you were a pin cushion for vaccination needles.  With in two hours later you had a 101.9 fever and a whimper of misery.  Here ya are just before bed, insert my sad face here...
The medicine hasn't really touched the fever yet but you're sleeping well.  I can't seem to go to sleep because I am worried about you and just now I am hearing your brother in the next room with a barking cough.  What is a year without a little visit from Croup?  I don't know either because we've not had one.  Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.  The bummer sick stuff aside you are growing great, nearly 14lbs! and 24".  You charmed everyone too.  I hope you feel better soon baby lady, I don't like seeing you so unhappy.  
4 months old
Love, Mama 
You can see your past check ups and growth here and here...and here 

Here is the scene this morning by my side as I finish typing this update.
Ooops! Spoke too soon!  Just after I finished typing I heard Henny coughing I got up to check on you to find you sprawled in the door to our room with the lights on screaming and coughing and shaking sick as a dog.  Luckily I had an inhaler and it helped calm you down along with misty dragon.  We are camping out on the couch today.


Nellie said...

She's gonna love seeing that barf photo! Love it. Hugs to you guys and get better soon.

Eunice said...

I just love your posts and how you keep it real! I hope the kiddos feel better soon. Go away barky cough!!

Anonymous said...

Poor little ones! Also, I can't believe you caught the spit up on camera. Too funny! Laura F.

Anonymous said...

How many Mammas and Pappas and photographers have tried to catch a specific shot. You have a knack for timing Lisa, or maybe it's the fact that you wear that camera around your kneck.

This one, just might, win you a prize!

Good job, Mamma!