Monday, January 21, 2013

Mall Meet Up

Dear Big Boy, 
So we were really excited to meet up with JoJo at the mall last week.  We needed to celebrate the start of JoJo's second semester of college.  I am beyond excited and proud of her.  I know someday you will be too!  We ate lunch and then went into the mall for JoJo to win you something from the bear claw at the arcade only to find it was closed!  This was a huge disappointment for you as you always want me to try the bear claw but I lack the skills that JoJo does and I had promised the next time we see her she would help you win something.  You still had five dollars so you choose to get a Cookie Monster cookie instead.  You did give us each a bite then put it away in your tummy quickly.  
We also went to cuddle the poor puppies but seriously it was STINKY and dirty there and JoJo and I were really grossed out so we opted to dance to the songs on the buttons at Build a Bear together.  You were really trying to impress us with lots of foot moves, spins and leg work.  
It was getting time to go home but not before you invited JoJo into the photo booth to act as if you're going on a trip to St. Louis.  You never made it to St. Louis on this imaginary trip.  
Clearly you love the journey there just as much.  I sat back and gave you both some space and watched.  As I had Hazel's smiling at me from her baby carrier next to me.  I got all soft listening and watching your feet mingling under the curtain.  
Why am I so fortunate?  I have you and Hazel and these sisters in my life, they made me a mom and dad a dad by choice.   My eyes welled up watching you play.  It is a gift JoJo has given us that extends beyond just giving you life and giving you us; connection.  We love her.  Since we brought Hazel home you've been asking questions and making comments about adoption and how you came into the world.  Sometimes the questions are specific to adoption and others just about anatomy and where a baby grows.  When you ask specific questions about your story I always tell you that you have me or daddy to answer them and JoJo.  You learned this week that all babies come into the world in the same way, even those who are adopted.  One day out of the blue in the car you told me, "Only God can make babies." Sometimes you are sad about parts and happy at the same time.  I can understand and so can Daddy and JoJo.  I can't say how grateful I am that you have all of us and even your grandparents to help you get through the sad and share in the happy.  I don't talk about my faith much but maybe I should if it brings you some comfort too.  As long as you always know that you were created by God's love and that same grace brought us all together in the same spot at the same time there will always be light.  Such gratitude.
Love, Mama 

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