Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thank God I'm a Country Boy

Dear Henry, 

Daddy and Mommy took you through your rounds in Columbus recently as Grandpa Tim and Ellen were visiting from Florida.  They were impressed by your recent updates since the last visit, such as crawling, standing, insatiable curiosity and having to put EVERYTHING in your mouth.  

First, we stopped by the family farm where Grandpa Tim was really excited to walk you around and sit in the grass with you.  He tried to show you how to whistle with a blade of grass but couldn't find one broad enough to get the real effect.  

This was okay with you as it gave you the nod to stuff a big stick, some bark as well as some weeds into your mouth.  

Ellen and Grandpa Tim were in the middle of installing a window into the pole barn when we arrived.  You seemed to love the novelty of poking your head into the barn from the outside.  Since this visit they've finished up the window and drywall as well as installed a stove and refrigerator and light fixtures.  

  On the porch of the barn willy worms (Grandma P would have me call them wooly worms) started inching their way all around us.  You spotted one and promptly put it in your mouth.  

Grandpa Tim had to pry it out of your hands a couple of times trying to keep poor willy worm alive.  Your lips showed your dirty deed as bunches of willy worm hairs were left there.  Poor willy worm never stood a chance with your death grip and six teeth.  

As the early evening approached it grew colder so after a few animal crackers we packed up and drove the short distance to Crappaw's and Grandma P's house.  

Grandma P's and Crappaw's played with you on the floor encouraging you to show off your newly acquired skills.  Of course Crappaw let you play with his watch and got out your measuring stick.  When Mommy commented on what a nice elaborate measuring stick Lily's Grandma and Grandpa made her they stared at me blankly as if to say, "Yeah so, what's wrong with this scrap piece? Eh?"  Well, Peep, nothing is wrong with it at all.  

Such a stick did just fine for Mommy over the years.  Mommy's measuring stick is still in the furnace room on the wall growing bored because Mommy hasn't added any measurement marks since 1991.  Mommy was only 16 in 1991...if truth be told, Mommy has not increased in height since 1989.  ANYHOOO!  You had grown one inch in the last three weeks.  OUCH!  Where does all that bone, muscle and skin come from?  

We made your mark and went to our last destination, Grandma LaJean and Great Grandma Hazel's.

If I haven't already professed it here Mommy has to tell you and all the readers of the internets that Great Grandma Hazel is the bestest cook.  Not only is she a great cook but she makes all kinds of specialties depending on what type of food you really dig.  She is an old school cook.  You get a couple of side dishes with your meats and some type of sweet dessert always follow the main course.  Mommy is more of a casserole/ soup kind of cook... meaning I throw it all together and hope it tastes really awesome.  Great Grandma Hazel's cooking is full of love and warm fuzzies and I hope to learn to infuse that into dishes as you grow older.  

On this visit there was cube steak, mashed potatoes and buttered carrots with a side of apple sauce from scratch followed by sweet apple crisp a la mode.  WOWSER!  You were loving the spread and grunted for more and more.  Grandma LaJean fed you apple sauce like you were in an eating contest.  

Hazel says the secret is the lodi apples but I am just sure it is her experienced hands.  A soft touch, Great Grandma could not hold back the apple crisp a la mode when you stood and begged at her knee.  Grandma LaJean bought you a special Halloween book and shared it with you as you sat closely on her lap like a famished puppy.  

You are really great with books these days and your attention span lasts until the book is finished. 

After your book she gave you Auntie Kristin's old trick or treat bag to borrow for Saturday, then it was time to get back home.

Wow Peep!
It all only lasted a few hours but you had so many experiences and so many smiling faces making for great photo ops.

To see more photos click on my flickr link here...


1 comment:

rory said...

that 3rd pic down of Henry and grandpa Tim is ADORABLE!