Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hello Mommy!

Dear Henry, 

During your daytime naps Mommy lays you down in your crib when you are drowsy so you can develop good sleep habits.  When you are done sleeping (an hour, half hour, two hours) whatever it is you sleep for that nap I hear you from the other room calling me.  Mommy comes down the hall and jumps into your doorway and yells boo, always good for a giggle and a smile.  Here is the precious lil' face I get to look at every time you wake up from a nap.

On Wednesday after your nap I put you on your floor so you could play while I put your clothes away.  I had pulled out one of your $1 garage sale stools.  I turned around from the closet and you were pushing that stool across the room using it like a walker.  WHAT?!
Amazing!  7 months, 1 week ( added sock monkey after the fact just because it was cute).

Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

Your brilliant boy needs a push toy to practice his walking skills!! We have one that converts to a seat for riding on. Perfect!! This boy is a true gem--among others! AMW

Anonymous said...

PS This boy is the most stylin' child I have ever seen--he has some pretty snazzy taste in attire!! Wonder where he gets that from? This stage until 18months is the absolute best--full of smiles and giggles and learning a new thing each second it seems. Treasure the times just as you have been--before he starts mouthing off to you and you wonder what happened to your sweet angel baby? AMW