Thursday, October 15, 2009


Dear Henry, 

A weekend or so ago you had a BIG play day with MANY of Daddy's cousins' kids.  David and Angie have 5 children, Jenny and Dan have 2, and Amy has 2 twin baby girls on the way due in January.  We took to the road early to get to Ohio in time to play.  Sarah, Jenny's daughter, was waiting so patiently for you to arrive.  She liked giving you hugs and helping you play with toys.  

The next day you attended Amy's shower with me.  As she opened presents you tried to lick the terrazzo floor.  Hey it was cool and your mouth was probably on fire with those 6 teeth bustin' their way through.  Mommy was not having it and every time you got close to touchin' your tongue I put you back onto your blanket... over and over and over again.  You munched on a couple of grapes and strawberries and were passed around for holding.

After the shower we went back to Ruthie's and all of the kids and semi kids and adults played with lots of toys and you were right in the middle of it all having a grand time!  Ahhhh how nice it was to look over and say to myself, "Ah! that's my boy!"

I love this picture of you and the kids all sitting on the back porch at Great Aunt Ruthies'.  They were all so concerned with what you were doing when Mommy would tell them that I was about to take the picture they would all look down at you.  So Mommy told them that if they looked down the middle of my lens really carefully that they could see my eyeball.  You can't of course but hey! ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get 7 kids to look at you.


On the ride home Daddy and Mommy figured out that we were not far from Anderson, Indiana.  In Anderson is a Rax, a restaurant that had a place in Columbus while we were little.  Daddy and Mommy had enjoyed it so much and then they pretty much disappeared from the Midwest.  We drove 12 miles out of our way to find it in downtown Anderson and closed.  Rax isn't even open on the weekends anymore.  What!?!  We took a couple of photos of the menu and us looking sad and continued on home.  You didn't miss a beat snorin' in the back.

It was nice seeing everyone and we are so happy you are with us now.

Love, Mommy


Brook said...

How awesome that he is just one of the kids. He's so much more boy and less baby these days.

I remember Rax. Roast beef, right?

Anonymous said...

Great pics!! AMW