Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4th Annual Pumpkin' Carving

Dear Noodle, 

For the last 4 years we've been getting together with a few friends to carve pumpkins.  
It is a lot of fun to see what designs people come up with. 

To prepare for this year on Friday we went to a pumpkin farm about 45 minutes away because their website advertised "tasty grilled cheese sandwiches and milkshakes."  

Unfortunately it was raining all day and the farm did not open until 6pm on Fridays.  We arrived to a rainy dark farm.  They had all of the obligatory pumpkin farm activities but they were very poorly lit if lit at all.  We bought our grilled cheese and sat around a little fire pit and ate them.  Daddy even got a milkshake despite the 39 degree weather.  

You enjoyed little bits of the sandwich but it was so cold we had to put your coat on.  We didn't get any pumpkins because we could not see them in the dark!  They were all wet anyhow.  You did get to play on a bail of hay for a little bit.  I had to pry the piece out of your vice-like grip before they made it to your mouth several times.  This pumpkin patch was a bust.  We came home and cuddled up in our warm bed and fell asleep.

The next day, Pumpkin Carving day, Mommy woke up and felt a bit sick.  Just dizzy really.  It kind of stunk but I sucked it up and got things ready for the party.  You ended up with a big pumpkin and a little pumpkin purchased on a quick trip to the Wal-Marts.  Mommy didn't even get to carve it for you because I felt so poopee.  BUT the other pumpkin carvers kicked butt this year.  We had a quirky Dracula, Michael Jackson, Bea Arthur, an owl on a tree, a classic, a monster, a Christmas Tree, a peace sign, and Auntie Carrie's three hour recreation of a Where the Wild Things Are character.  Our front ramp never looked so great!

 Auntie Kristin took you back to your room see you stand up in your crib by yourself.  She was very impressed with your strength and like Mommy and Daddy do she freaked out cheering for you.  

You love an audience, there is no doubt about that!  We went back to the dinning room to see if Auntie Carrie had completed her Wild Things pumpkin.  She had not, but was close.  She worked so meticulously it was impressive.

Our guests were also quite taken by your Yoda hat and hot dog costume.  Come to think of it I'm not sure why I didn't make you a hot dog Yoda.  

Anyhow, there was a lot of talk about last year at this time....  Our friends kept saying how wonderful it was that we have you in our lives now.  Peep, it is true.  It is pretty damn wonderful.  So wonderful in fact it takes a person's mind wondering all around until arriving at disbelief.


Love you Pumpkin, 


Brook said...

Yep. Amazing but true. How happy we are that you have your little peep peep this year!!

I love the photo with little Yoda man on the floor. I almost missed him at first. Oh, and Bea Arthur and Michael Jackson pumpkins?? Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Henry had a Rudolph nose at the pumpkin patch. Love, Gma P

Unknown said...

Very cool pictures!

Mason Williams said...

Hooray! Quirky Dracula!
Hooray! Hot Dog Yoda!