I just can't believe what you've been up to. You started crawling about 5-6 weeks ago and now have 6 teeth making an appearance, which is amazing in itself because you are just 7 months today. Last week I am cleaning dishes in the kitchen while I hear from the bedroom Daddy's astonished voice, "Mommy! Mommy! Come here! Quick! You've got to see this!" Well, Daddy had you in the pack'n'play and you had decided to pull yourself up and over the side to try and crawl out onto Daddy's lap! So dangerous!
Therefore, immediately, after I marveled at your he-man strength and took a couple of shots, Mommy moved that pack'n'play down to the bottom level.
You were clearly unsure about this development and rolled around and smooshed your face against the nylon mesh sides making' your mug all Picassoesque. You know, is your lip your brow or is it the corner of your nose kind of thing.
Your new semi-standing position is helping you bring to light new worlds to lick, bite and screech at. Mommy has to keep an eye on that taffy tongue brush that seems to want to paint the dirtiest or most dangerous of surfaces such as: terrazzo floors, Daddy's tires, electric cords, my camera lens, cart handles, any paper you can get your hands on or your stroller wheels.
Dearest Lisa, Steven & Lil Henry - I don't have any boys - however, I can not EVEN imagine Lil Henry even every "throwing Mommy to the curve". All the love so seen thru your blog - Oh my GOSH - how he's growing, How much he is SOOOOOO loved, Once again, I will thank God for leading J to you & Steven!!
I so love you & thank you once again for doing this Blog thing so I can watch him GROW - so happily!!
Love You - JMom
So cute! By the way - I find your blog banner a little disturbing.
Just kidding, it rocks!!
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