Monday, February 4, 2013

To the Theater

Dear Peep and Zell, 
When Grandma LaJean asked us to attend a puppet performance with her in Indianapolis Clowes Hall at Butler I was excited!  I've gone with many student groups to see performances there and they have always been high quality and entertaining.  We arrived just in time at noon and found our seats in pitch black with the usher using about a light with a quarter sized beam.  We sat down and the lights faded in on the stage.  The music was very sweetYou had lots of questions about the puppets and sets, but the first half of the performance had a quiet pace and your attention was drawn away by the snacks we brought. 
You made it through your bag of gummies, granola bar, fish and a piece of Laughy Taffy you sneaked from the cupboard at home.  Hazel on the other hand was engaged and flapping her arms soooo fast from Grandma LaJean's lap.   
The second story was one you knew well of the Little Nutbrown Hare, based on Anita Jerams story Guess How Much I Love You.  
You were more excited about this one and we both loved how the bunnies hopped on the stage.  The scenery and puppetry was quite beautifully executed. After we walked around the theater a bit to look around and got a couple of pictures.  I was really excited to go with you for a new experience and to meet up with Grandma LaJean playin' hooky from work. 
Ah, should have used my flash
I hope to go again to see a play!  I think you would love one that is fast paced with a clear story but with enough lights and pretty music like this one for Hazel. Here's to new experiences! 
Love, Mama

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