Monday, February 4, 2013

A Little Project for some BIG Drool!

Dear Hay-zel, 
I'm just going to say it, you're VERY drooly these days and rather than build a mote around you to catch it I found this fun little sewing project from a book I checked out at the library.  I was able to use scrap fabric and make you look stylish all at the same time. Easy and reversible!  Teeth are on the horizon.  Lord help us through the teething stages!  Poor girl!  I won't like seeing you in pain at all and I am certain you won't be a fan either.
After you're done droolin' on them and you get bigger you can put them on your head too.
I have a few more easy patterns to try too.  I hope I don't make you look too ridiculous.
Love, Mama  


Anonymous said...

She's absolutely adorable - teething or not!

I wanted to share something with you that my sister in law uses to reduce pain and drooling with my nephew. She purchased an amber teething necklace, and he has had very minimal pain and no drooling. He doesn't realize the necklace is there (therefore doesn't try to chew on it) and has been wearing it since he was a few months old (he's now eight months old). I'll have to ask her where she purchased her necklace, but you can check out some FAQs here:

Take care, Amanda

Anonymous said...

Here it is:

Grandma P said...

Dear Hazel,

You are so, absolutely, adorable. I just can't believe that we have you in our family. I don't know how you could be any cuter.

I want you to know, what a great Mom and Dad and big brother that you have. You are having, and are going to have, such a wonderful life.

Love Always, GrandmaP