Last weekend we were able to spend a night away in Evansville to visit Gavin and his family. He has three awesome daughters, one high school, one middle school and one pre-school (just a month older than you). You were a bit smitten with Miss Alyissa. Yep. The oldest. I think it was the light saber popsicles she made for you all to eat. Hazel you just hung out like a little sweet pea, enjoy snugglin' from Gavin. We ate at a cool German restaurant near their home.
Poor Delilah puked right before we left. Oh my! So she carried her little puke bucket on the walk over hanging close to me and holding my hand. Poor thing. Alyissa was able to get you to try pig knuckles of all things! You loved it!
In the morning we got breakfast down the hall and you ate a ton! We got ourselves together and met Gavin and Delilah at the Children's Museum in Evansville. IT WAS GREAT! Olivia and Alyissa had Girl Scout Cookies to sale. You were so excited! We could have spend four hours vs the two we were there. There was exciting water room to play in. Hazel, you had an abundance of things to stare at and enjoy. It was such a nice time!
You were sad to leave the interactive art gallery but they were making a last call announcement and we didn't want to get locked in!
We loved catching up with Gavin and his girls and hope to return to spend an extended time at that the Children's Museum. I also think we would really enjoy the riverwalk and activities in the warmer weather. We can't wait to return. So grateful we have such easy travelers.
Love, Mama
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