Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Henry Loves a Theme

Dear Peep
You sure do love a theme.  Your school has been having themes each week.  You get very excited about this and go all out.  Last week was camping week.  You were REALLY excited about this, gathering up your things the night before.  I had put out some clothes the night before and when I told you to go and get them you I heard a rolling thunder of steps directed toward me coming from the hall.
"MOMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE!  I can't wear those clothes!  They are not camping clothes.  Camping close have to be blank and dark."  Uh, okay, so I went to your room with you and we picked together.  This is what we came up with, along with a lantern, sleeping bag, boots and ball cap.  You also brought out your book Gisby and the stuffed dude that goes with it, as well as another book about camping. You rushed me along to get you to school and you were full of such energy.  We get to your classroom and we talk to the teacher about your excitement and you share your books with her and she says, "Oh, you should have gotten here earlier.  We are cleaning up the tents now."  Your shoulders slumped and you went back to the cubby and put your hat in and took off your vest.  I had no idea that the themed stuff was in the morning.  I thought it was all day.  I do wish, however, that you at least got a little 'way to go kid' speech from the teacher.  She seemed to be a little stretched thin that day so I'll give her a pass.  Daddy not wanting you disappointed sent me a text to give to you letting you know when he got home the two of you would camp out in the basement and watch a movie together and eat hotdogs and beans.  This pumped you back up and for two hours prior to Daddy's arrival home every five minutes all I heard were, "Is it time for Daddy to get home now?"  That's love.
Today you created your own theme, checker board clothes (orange and white checker board shirt, sweaterhoodie, pants, and shoe laces)You picked out this look head to toe, asked me to take your picture on your great grandpa's chair.  
I asked you what you're doing in the first photo you said, "I'm trying to look cool."  Lawd help us!
Love, Mama  

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