Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Cleaning the Sandbox

Dear Henny, 
Already you have a stellar work ethic.  The first really nice weekend and you want to get work done.  You help me clean the garage and then announced that you needed to work on your sandbox.  We literally had to PULL you out of it while you demanded, "I am not done with my project yet!  I have to finish."  Sorry about that one.  I am certain you get this from Mama.  If I am not yet done with something I keep going and going, unlike your more reasonable Daddy that would take more time the next day to complete it rested and fed.  After a rinse in the sink you went straight to the bath.  I love your tenacity.  
We can't wait to put you to work have your enthusiastic help this summer, when there is always plenty to do.  You have been staying after me to get the chainsaw out to cut up a large limb that fell last week by our kitchen window.  When I tell you maybe later you tell me you'll just go get it done yourself!  We adore our workin' buddy.
Love, Mama

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