Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Adventures!

Dear Peep, 
You're becoming a creative mind in your own right, dreaming up adventures.  Last summer I found a power wheels car at a garage sale for 15 bucks.  We enjoy taking it around the neighborhood and exploring.  At the start of last week I was showing you the signs of spring popping out all around us.  You enjoyed this so much you announced after our yard work was done we should go on a "SPRING ADVENTURE!"  So we did.  You heeded this would be a long adventure so we better pack a lunch of sunshine sandwiches, a granola bar and some lime aide.  Alright, a sunshine sandwich is one of my less inspired creations.  One day as I was rushing to get you ready for school I was making you a pbj.  I always cut them with a cookie cutter, making them a fun shape to eat.  Well, I didn't have time to get the stool, crawl up into the cabinet and get the cookie cutters down so I took a ring from our bullet mugs and cut a plain ole circle.  You said, "What is this one going to be Mommy?"  I said, "UH, oh this one is a sunshine sandwich...see the cutter is yellow like the sun!"  You bought it and have been asking for them since.
We packed our lunch, took a basket, some clippers to collect buds, you put on your ball cap and we were off.  We drove around stopping at each unique bud; commenting, collecting and moving to the next.  I love your expressive nature and glamored over the yellow of the daffodils and sighed at the beautiful day. 
Finally, we pulled into the round about around the corner and settled in for some lunch.  We enjoyed ourselves immensely.  You pointed out all of the birds singing as a sign of spring, but wished they would take turns.  Moments like this, the snap shots in time...I dreamed of spontaneously terrific things like this as we worked toward being parents.  I put my arm around you and we laughed and smiled at each other as peanut butter hung from the corners of your grin.  
Time to move on.  We powered back up and went home.  As we got our things out and parked the "car" you exclaimed, "We sure did have and adventure finding sings of spring!"   We sure did!  Here is to many more. 
Love, Mama

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