Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'll be Yoda, You Be the Emperor

Dear Henry, 
What I saw out the dinning room window
This afternoon you and Daddy played for quite some time on the back using the posts of our lawn ring toss game as light sabers.  
 Switching off between Yoda and the Emperor, good and bad you must have had a good time.  Later, I fell asleep on the couch while our brownies were cooking and awoke to you challenging Daddy to a light saber duel on the back deck. "Come on, I'll be Yoda." Sweet!  You found your "real" light saber and Daddy found a paint roller handle.   
Daddy must have worn you out because when I went out to check on you both you were sitting in the chair saying, "Noooooooo, time not to fight."  You and Daddy living the dream.  Cheers to more imaginative Star Wars play in our future.   Love, Mama

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