Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good Mornings

Dear Henry, 
If you sleep past when Daddy leaves for work and I am in the other room I have to listen carefully for the backdoor opening or one of the three patio doors sliding open.  We are working on you being sure to ask permission before going outside but since you took your birthday money and bought your own raised garden bed you've got work to tend to in the A.M.  
A few mornings ago I rush around the house looking for you, calling your name, and sinking feelings of panic sink in as I come out of the bathroom to find your empty bicycle blanket draped across the bed.  Finally, I hear the familiar sound of the hose coming on in the back yard.  I sneak out the back door to watch what your doing.  You were watering grass and the seeds we planted. Suddenly you discover the carrots of sprouted and you shout, "Buds! Signs of spring!"  It was wonderful to share this with you.  I am so proud of you that you remember everyday to water your plants.  
 You are a regular Farmer Hank.  Now if I can only get you to eat the carrots after they grow!
Love, Mama

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