Monday, February 1, 2010

Showin' Off New Tricks to J

Dear Henry, 
We finally got in our January visit to J and the boys this past Friday.  I bundled you up and we set out on the road.  We arrived around noon with a bucket of chicken and new photo prints in hand.  Mommy was SO excited for this visit because, as I told J, "I feel like you can really see all that I've been doing with him (you) at home!"  She said, "Oh! I can see!"  You walked all around the room for her and were much more interactive.  To Uriah's delight you would even chase him a little.  When he had his potatoes on his plate you kept trying to steal them.  It was so cute!  He used his little spoon to feed them to you.  Tommy has gotten his sleep schedule all out of whack so he was sleepin' on the couch.  We didn't get to even talk to him.  
J remembered she had a little gift for you from Jmom.  J had told her about our special ornaments on your first Christmas tree this year to remember her by and Jmom wanted to contribute for next year.  She bought you a little angel with a dangling heart that says "Believe."  It was so sweet to watch J give it to you.  She sat you down on the floor and opened the little box and started the explanation.  Mommy was so proud of what a good listener you were for such a little guy, heck even a big guy. You had such an earnest expression on your face.  J told you, "to believe that you can do anything little Henry."  Mommy brought it home and put it snug with our Christmas stuff for next year's tree.  I told you that some day when you're all grown up, you have a family of your own and you have your first tree you will be able to take your ornaments and start your new tree with something really special.  
We brought J a gazillion photos because I had gotten behind in making prints.  She really loved seeing how happy you and Papa were playing the maracas and Aunt Krispy's astonished face when you walked for her the first time.  Before we were getting ready to leave J's youngest sister, Ja (remember! they ALL have J names) called and begged J to keep us there until she could make it over.  So we stuck around and she got to squeeze on ya a bit, comment on how cute you are, and browse through the photos.  
J snapped a video on her cell of you walking to send to Jmom.  Mommy told J that it was only going to make her jealous that she wasn't there to see it herself!  J said with a little smile, "I know!"   We gave our hugs and I love you's and we headed back home to get dinner made for Papa.  It is always good to see our J.  
Neither one of us can hardly believe that you are almost an entire year old!  
Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Bumble's Bounce said...

I think I tear up everysingletime you blog about J! Open adoption is amazing:) So happy for every single one of you!