Saturday, February 13, 2010

Head of the Class

Dear Henry, 
In search of something to keep both of us occupied I turned to our public library to look for a class we could take together.  Mommy looked into swimming and music classes but dang! those classes are expensive!  At the library Mommy found 1 class we could take called "Bouncing Babies."  Last week was our first class.  We arrived about 10 minutes late! ARG!  The library has been remodeling and it was impossible to find a parking spot!  We rushed in,  Mommy looking like a crazy unorganized mom.  I'm not really but I felt stupid setting the bad precedent of being tardy to class.  We enter the room to see a room full of babies and just in time to join the circle and have them sing about how, "Henry wore his striped sweater, his striped sweater all day long!"  You sat on Mommy's lap bouncing around and kicking your legs to all of the songs.  We came to sing "Bah, Bah Black Sheep."  I don't think they thought about the meaning of "one for the master" but I let it slide as I doubt the 7 to 11 months old's set needed a lesson on the controversies of many childrens' songs, and honestly scholars still debate over if it is in fact an embedded slave reference.  
 So, the teacher passed out different colored sheep to each kid and you were to hold it up when your color was sung about.  You had a blue sheep.  You don't know your colors yet so you just decided to fly your sheep in the air each time the song was sung.  It was cute.  When that song was complete I asked you to hand the teacher, sitting to our right, your sheep.  You held it out to her and she didn't see you so you threw it at her.  Mommy handed it back to you and asked you to hand it to her gentle, I got her attention and you did.   So proud!  She then pulled out a big book about a train and you pulled yourself around so you could see.  You were the only baby to babble at the book and point.  So proud!  At the end a box was put out with toys that the babies could play with.  You had fun with this and found a book to look at with a little girl.  We checked out the remodel in the kid's section and as you were playing with a train car at the train table you walked to me to show me the car and fell.  You started to put the train in your mouth and a bigger kid, 5 or 6, walked over to you and said, "Hey! Get the train out of your mouth!"   I took this photo as he was talking to you. 
 OUch!  You stared him down then ignored him and gave it a little lick anyway.  I decided you were hungry and took you over to Laughing Planet for our weekly Hungarian Mushroom Soup.  You love the stuff.  Then we returned home for a nap. 
This week we returned to class, but we weren't supposed to.  When Mommy registered for the class the lady said it was every week.  It is on the calendar every week but it is only supposed to be once a month.  We stayed anyway.  This was the year old to three year olds.  You fit better with this group as you're walking, babbling and it was full of energy. 

You were much more settled in my lap this week and really looked around at the other babies.  You cheered after the songs and clapped your hands.  A couple activities were different and it was fun to see you enjoying the songs.  We did one song with ribbons on a stick and you love waving like a flag anything you can get your hands on (socks, wipes, or you jammie pants you've managed to take off) so ribbons were totally your thing.  When getting your ribbon you became preoccupied with a little girl's gingerbread sweater.  She liked you too and tried to lick your face.  This threw you off and you stumbled and fell over together.  It was really cute.  Mommy happened to be filming at the time.

We checked out some books and went for soup at Laughing Planet, meeting up with Auntie Krispy who was enjoying a snow day.  She and Auntie Carrie working down stairs cuddled and showed you off a bit and it was time for us to go.

It was fun watching you interact and play.  I am so proud to be with you.
Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

How fun! Our library here is AWESOME!! They have all sorts of fun programs to do--and like you mentioned--all for FREE!! The boys love going and Emi has learned what "Let's go to the library!" means and goes around grabbing for books to carry--so helpful! She and Henry would totally hit it off--although she can be a bit rough at times--he would learn her though! Hope to see you and you little monkey soon!
So glad you are loving your Mommy/Henry time. You are a natural Mamma. Amanda W

PS You should try little flashcards with Henry--Carter LOVED them and Jack could have cared less...but Carter would watch me hold them up and say the name of whatever the object or animal was and we would make sounds and laugh and move on--he was less than 2 when he would sit alone and go through a whole stack of cards for almost an hour--pure peace!

Peg said...

ah rock!
So clever with your sheep...and even though it's not quite evident from the picture...i'm just certain you gave that big kid the stink eye. Doesn't he know trains are delicious? And that hungarian soup has my mouth-a-watering. I also see you wore your hair straight today...very stylish.

Lisa T. said...

I actually do have some flash cards for henry of site words and animals. :)
I love the dollar pins at Target! I have gotten a couple of cards out with him.

Peg, I told the big kid that he is just a little boy and I'm sorry that it is stressing him out...then henry threw the train at him. Yeah, I left that part out. He walked away and told his mom about that little kid who shouldn't be putting the train in his mouth. hahaha
Lisa T.

Lisa B said...

Hello Henry, Lisa & Steve,

Henry you are such a big boy. I love to peek into your world now and again. We just returned from a cruise, white sand is something you will have to experience now that you are able to walk. Have fun at the library :} Hope to see you soon. Lisa B> in Columbus