Dear Henry,
Today we got up and gave you a bath because it was a special day.
We were going to see daddy at work! You really enjoyed your bath today and wiggled and squirmed to get your head under the warm water.
I could tell how proud daddy was to show off his new love, you! Daddy couldn't take the smile off of his face the entire time. When it was time to leave it was hard for daddy to say goodbye because he loves you so much he wanted to spend the rest of his day with you.
Everyone said how cute you are and how much hair you have and how happy there are for us that we are now a family. Everyone loved you in your little collared shirt with the cars on it.
I realized today how lucky I am to get to spend all day every day with my little man Hank.
We love you.
Good night baby,
Mommy brought Hank's mommy to work when she was a litle pumkin too! I remember how the kids ooed and aaed and how special you made me feel.Still do as a matter of fact.
Steve couldn't hide his feelings about his new son, even if he tried. He's smiling, a lot, these days. Gma
I'll be honest...this made me cry a little. Gross. I love you three SO much!
aunt awesome (kristin)
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