Sunday, March 29, 2009

Becoming Big Gorilla

Dear Baby Boy,

Today daddy and I were struck with the realization that you will not always be our little puppy sitting in our arms. When you were born and just weighed in at 6lbs 2oz the clothes that fit you were for little bitty early babies. Today when Grandpa Tim tried to snap your onesie it wouldn't stretch to make it to your crotch. Mommy cried out, "WHAT!" And then your little pants came up to your knees! "WHAT!" These early moments we waited so long for are now fleeting and you grow because we feed you and now lion, fish, ribbit ribbit, and your little pants are
all things in your past. Yep, you now have a past. Daddy and I sat with each other and we both got a little soft for a minute. We're excited about what's to come but remember you don't have to rush things.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, little fella. Listen to your parents. Take your time. Love, Gma