Sunday, January 17, 2010

Getting Some Fresh Air

Dear Henry, 
The other day it was unseasonably warm the day before a large snow so we sat outside for about 10 minutes and played before going to the library.  When I say unseasonably warm I mean it was like 35 degrees verses the 10-17 we had been having.  You didn't mind at first and showed great excitement to play around the step and crunch on some leaves.
You tried to put an acorn in your mouth, you have been watching those squirrels from the kitchen window all winter so I was not surprised.  I fished it out quickly.  

  Then when you went to suck your thumb after playing with the leaves, sticks and acorns you pulled it out promptly and stared at it clearly revolted by the taste, shrugged your shoulders, and when on sucking it.  You love your thumb,  nothing can keep you from it.

And that is reason 127 why not only do I love you but I really like you too!  You and your thumb.  I'm still in wonder of reason are you getting yourself to walk across the room now when those cheeks weight 20lbs each?  J says that's why you are doing the Frankenstein walk.  I think she may be correct.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

Brook said...

Henry, you are walking??? How did I miss this??!!