Thursday, January 14, 2010

Feedin' Machine!

Dear Henry, 
You have always been an eatin' machine but lately you're branching out on developing more civilized habits.  The other night we were having Thompson Taco Tuesday and I made you a bowl of taco junk.  Mommy reached over to help Daddy with some taco and you grabbed your spoon and shoved a glob into your mouth.  You started using your spoon!  Just .like. that!  You started picking out of the bowl! I can put an entire bowl of food in front of you and you don't want to fling it!  Now the photo of you with the apple sauce is a little deceiving because you are a very neat eater over all.  

Mommy did that mess when I gave you a bite.  No wonder you have been grabbing the spoon for yourself!  If Mommy can't do any better than that!  

Last weekend we went to Ikea to get you a new shelf for your growing library and you drank water from a straw for the first time!  I have been sticking a straw in your mouth for months.  You would let it linger there for a moment then you would back off and smile at me, simply mimicking what you saw of Mama and Papa.  Well, this time you sucked on the straw and when the water hit your lips your eyes grew the size of the moon and you looked SO proud.

Now, you suck from a straw.  Just like that.  One day you don't, the next day you do. 
I wonder what tomorrow you will do that you don't today.  I look forward to finding out!

Love, Mama

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