Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A bird? A Plane? NOPE! It's Super Henry!

Dear Henry,
Mommy has been a sewin' fool during your nap times.   Up until this week the dinning room was my sewing castle and crap was strewn everywhere.  I've completed many projects now since November.  I've made 6 dolls, a robot, a tooth, an ice cream sandwich pincushion,  two quilts, two robots for your future mobile,  countless ribbon blankets, and a superhero cape.

I am particularly proud of your cape, which you tried out for the first time while Grandma P and Crappaw visited the other day.

You're also still loving playing in your room and always end room time by attacking the door stop.  You pounce on it like a little tiger on it's prey and sproiiiiiiiiing!!!  you jump back to watch it undulate up and all around.  After five or six goes at it you're ready to move back into the living room.    

If on the way to the living room the bathroom door is left open even a crack you're in there.
Yesterday you wore your cape around for quite a while and found some mayhem in the bathroom to tend too.  This time I just sat back and watched what you did and took photos.  You pulled and pulled on the toilet paper.  You wrastled it to the ground at one point, tore it to pieces and then stood up and started wiping on the sculpture Amanda Waddle gave us.  You were bustin' dust and takin' names!  You came out and saw me watching you and sheepishly tried to eat the evidence still in your hands.  It turned out to be a rather dry snack and you spit it out and threw it in a soppy ball on the floor.

You can always tell people who have little kids because their toilet paper rolls always look like this...lumpy and re-spun on the tube.

Great fun!  I had visions of when you're able to run grabbing the roll and running through the house until it is all gone to see how far it will stretch.  Maybe that isn't a good Mommy thing to do but it is gonna be a heck of a lot of fun!
Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the one of Henry in front of his shelves--that should be framed in his room for sure!! The cape is awesome!! Yep--our TP looks like that too--what fun! AMW

Cami said...

I love the tooth that you made! I am a friend of Brook's and enjoy reading your blog!

monica said...

I want more sewing pics, examples of your quilts, ribbon blankets and such!! And those robots ROCK, I wanta see 'em closer and then promptly try to copy you!! ;) Or just put in an order for Cole one, either way?! :)

Anonymous said...

The force is definitely with our little Henry. Gma P

Bumble's Bounce said...

My Bumble LOVES to unroll TP, we stopped putting it on the roll. Figured it would go back on when she outgrew the fun of unrolling it...She's 3 and it's STILL hilarious!
We are currently learning that One time, or the First time, something is funny, and how sometimes it's not so funny the second time after Mama and Papa have asked "you" not to do it again...... She is funny, that is NO JOKE!