Last week we loaded into the car and headed over to give J a visit at her new townhouse apartment. After being very sick for a week or two and making it through a move from her old duplex to a much larger and more affordable townhouse she was finally ready for us to visit.
In a bit bigger town there are many more opportunities for her and her family so Mommy and Daddy are very happy for her. You and Mommy stopped to pick J up some flowers as a house warming present. Silly Mommy didn't get a photo of them!!! What was I thinking? They were really pretty. We brought her bright pink daisies with some little wild flowers surrounding them with a sweet pink bow tied around the stems. J loved them and ran to get the vase from the flowers we gave her when you came into the world. She was happy to use it again.
J had been telling Mommy that she has a baby photo of herself that looks JUST like you do as a baby. She went into the closet and dug it out excited to show us. Yep, there are a lot of similarities. Your reddish hair, lil' nose, the shape of your face and sparkling blue green eyes.
It was great being together again. I'm grateful we have an open relationship with J. Mommy considers her a friend and family. How great to have so many people love you our precious boy!
Love, Mommy
Very nice. From Grandma P
Just look at those top pictures. Just when I think you have to be running out of creative ideas you pop up something even more clever.
Most of all, I love the happy family on the left.
Grandma P
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