Papa called and caught you while you were eating. I wish the sound of a smile could come across on the phone so Daddy could see how excited you are to hear his voice. I guess you're just a good listener because when he starts talking you clam up and start smiling.
Mommy thinks it must be hard for Papa to have only a one way conversation when he is working so hard for us all day long. On the day Mommy took this photo you were smiling up a storm while Papa told you secrets. Mommy took the phone back and said, "I love you Taco, I'll see you tonight." Just before Daddy hung up he caught that you said, "I love you," right after Mama. Nice!
Giving you new foods to try is a source of entertainment for Mommy. I situate you into your Bumbo, go to the kitchen to mix the cereal, dump on top of the cereal a couple tablespoons of a fruit or vegetable that has no resemblance to how it looks in nature, mix it and suit you up. I get a rag ready to wipe your hands and a bib velcroed around your chunky neck. You get a little excited each time and start flappin' your arms and your eyes bug out of your head, the anticipation of something new to push around your mouth to divert your pink taffy tongue from that rough toothie peeking out down in front. So far you really dig bananas, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, prunes. Peas, well, let's just say Grandma P tried to keep putting them in your mouth because she enjoyed watching how you'd spit them out in lightening speed.
So, last week I brought out the pears. I have a rule, for right now, that I don't put anything into your mouth that I don't taste first. When you decide to eat mud pies, a few blades of grass or an ant someday you can forget it... those are your choices. Mommy means if I'm gonna put it in your mouth then I'm your personal taster. If I think it sucks then I'm not going to make you eat it too. So I tasted the pears and they were sweet and very tart but I knew I'd be mixin' them with cereal so I figured the tartness would be tamed down a bit.
Did you like them? You be Judge Henry and investigate the following four photos.
The answer is, despite these first few bites, you ate all of the pears and seemed to enjoy them. You were very happy afterward and played a long time until you passed out into a deep afternoon sleep, slobbery drool on the side of your head and all.
I love seeing you experience the world with your flappy bird arms and *horsey leg showing such enthusiasm.
*You do this when you're happy. You take one of your legs and drag it forward and up like a horse does in the dirt, don't ask me... it is your thing.
A couple of weekends ago we made a trip over to Columbus to visit with your maternal Grandma P's side, the Goins family. It was put together quickly but was a lot of fun.
We weren't the only ones to bring new additions to the family. Mommy's cousin Tommy brought his very personable and cute fiance and her two pretty daughters. Many people had yet to meet you, for instance your Great Aunt Judy hadn't gotten to hold you yet! Mommy's Aunt Judy babysat her a lot as a little girl. She was a lot of fun. She would give one of her signature pushes in the swing and say, "to the moon with you!" Aunt Judy would sit outside in a lawn chair and paint all of the girls finger and toe nails and tell us about her boyfriends. She was really happy to finally give you a squeezin'! Cousin Tony, Karie, Ella and TJ were excited to finally take a look at you. Ella insisted on holdin' on to you for a while. It was a good time.
Daddy, Crappaw and I introduced everyone to Molkky. It was a great group to play with and Great Aunt Clare-Cee was really out to win. We had a lot of laughs! You seemed to enjoy all of the attention but also didn't mind getting to sit in the bouncy seat Grandma P and Crappawbought you. Daddy and Mommy had an olde fashioned red hot dog and homemade potato salad. Mommy, Daddy and you had to be back in town for Auntie Kristin's roller derby bout with Grandpa Tim and Grandma LaJean so we were the first to leave. We were having a really great time and it was hard to leave all of the fun but then it began to POUR buckets of rain. The curtains of rain made it a little easier to go because there were a lot of us to cram into the house if we needed to. After enjoying the outdoors being indoors would have stunk.
We hope to do this again this summer. It can be difficult because everyone has such busy lives. Every time we get together though it feels as if no time has passed.
I can't wait for you to get a little older to play with the boys more. You'll be a pack with JD, Kolsen, Nash, Tyler, Johnny, Damon, and Devon, but I somehow see sassy Ella and Madelyn runnin' things. Mama hasn't decided if she would let you participate in bb gun fights like she did as a kid though. I can't believe all of our parents let us do that! You'll still get to have fun though, no worries.
Last week we loaded into the car and headed over to give J a visit at her new townhouse apartment. After being very sick for a week or two and making it through a move from her old duplex to a much larger and more affordable townhouse she was finally ready for us to visit. In a bit bigger town there are many more opportunities for her and her family so Mommy and Daddy are very happy for her. You and Mommy stopped to pick J up some flowers as a house warming present. Silly Mommy didn't get a photo of them!!! What was I thinking? They were really pretty. We brought her bright pink daisies with some little wild flowers surrounding them with a sweet pink bow tied around the stems. J loved them and ran to get the vase from the flowers we gave her when you came into the world. She was happy to use it again. J had been telling Mommy that she has a baby photo of herself that looks JUST like you do as a baby. She went into the closet and dug it out excited to show us. Yep, there are a lot of similarities. Your reddish hair, lil' nose, the shape of your face and sparkling blue green eyes.
She played with you a bit and then got ready to go. We ate Chinese food and stopped at a couple of garage sales but didn't find any big or small treasures.
Daddy was coming home early so it was time for us to leave. We hugged and said our love you's and see ya later's.
It was great being together again. I'm grateful we have an open relationship with J. Mommy considers her a friend and family. How great to have so many people love you our precious boy!
This is post number #100!!! This means Mommy has done a pretty good job in your 4 months keepin' up with all of your new accomplishments and experiences. There are many things I have not written about but I have to keep some things to reveal to you as you get older.
Yesterday I shot these other photos of you while trying to get your toothie. I think they are fitting for post #100.
I have to mark this moment. I tried to call your papa but I ended up having to leave a message and to text him. But at 4:55 today after you had a bottle and took a little nap you woke up and smiled at me. I know that isn't out of the usual but I got in your face to smile back and I saw it! You have a tooth! Your bottom right center. This is not where I thought your first would be but it is still cool. I am not sure why but I felt like I was going to cry. I suppose because it is letting go of the little baby Henry and movin' on to you growin' up. Sigh.
A tooth... I just wrote yesterday how there weren't any peekin' out yet... today is another story. It is early too huh?
I'm workin' on getting a photo... you aren't makin' it easy though... here is my first attempt, but after about 20 I shot the photo above. Mommy will update as it sticks out more.
Everyday we wait for Daddy to get home from work. We miss him so much. The other day you were in Bumbo helpin' me make some chili and I decided that we would put some bowls on your head and feet. You seemed to enjoy it. You liked kickin' the little bowls off your feet and then screaming until I put them back on your little cashew toes. So when Daddy opened the garage door you waited for him with bowls a hangin'. Daddy misses you too. Only a couple of more hours before he makes it home today.
It was time for your 4 month check up and shots. YEP! 4 months. I know! It is hard to believe! So, here is your Health o meter photo and some cute ones on the crinkly paper. You weighed in at 14lbs 10oz and measured 24". Mommy thinks you're really 24.5" but we will go with the "official" record. You performed for the doctor like a trained seal. You were laying on the table with Gorrilli out in front of you. When Dr. S. asked if you're reaching for toys I started to answer but you reached out for Gorrilli. Dr. S. said, "That's a yes!" Then when he asked about your other motor skills you flipped over from your back to your stomach with skill and style. He couldn't hide that he was impressed. We spoke about all of your vocal gymnastics and your teeth that have dropped into your gums. No pearly whites have yet to peek out but Mommy checks frequently. I rub some orajel on those suckers and give you some teething tablets but some times you just whimper. I hope that it happens quickly so you don't have to go through lots of pain for a long period of time. You did well with the shots this time. You do your 20 second howl that reduces to a whine and by that time Mama swaddles you up you're all calm again. You're a tough lil' dude.
Seven minutes later in the van... You are the come back kid! I love seeing you happy.
While staying in Columbus during Daddy's vacation week we went to Zaharako's again. This time we went with Great Grandma Hazel, who is just starting to get over being really sick. Grandma LaJean, Grandma P and Crappaw went as well. We made sure this time to sit you at the table for miniature humans like you. All of your ancestors have sat at this table so I had Grandma P prop you up in the little chair. You put your hand on the table like you were waiting for a frothy root beer. Then Mommy took a photo of you and the three generations behind you sitting at the counter old marble counter.
Family traditions give us things to look forward to and memories to share in the years to come. I can't wait for Christmas and Halloween.
July 7th was a special day for our family. After much waiting and many e-mails we were finally able to arrange a picnic with J's mom, Jmom, at a local park. Since all of J's family members' names begin with a J, with the exception of her two sons, using initials might get a little wonky so J, your birthmother, will be referred to on the blog as J and J's mom will be referred to as Jmom. I haven't figured out how to reference the others but I'll take that on as we meet them.
It was a really sunny clear day, fitting for such an anticipated meeting. We washed you up, got you dressed and headed out to buy a bucket of chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and some biscuits. We drove into the park and arrived at the shelter where we had designated to meet Jmom and my heart sank. I didn't see Jmom anywhere! I thought, "Oh no! She couldn't make it!" So Daddy drove us back around the park to see if she might be at the elaborate playground. Not knowing what Jmom looks like or who came with her I wasn't sure what to look for in the sea of faces quickly shifting around the playground. Just as we were thinking of going back to the shelter to eat and go home I see a super smiley lady with long blond hair waving at us. I got chills and said, "Steve! Steve! Is that her? I think that's her!" Daddy stopped the van and Mommy got out and started across the playground. Mommy was near yelling her name with a shaking voice and she Mommy's. So, we were practically running to each other and Jmom was fanning back the tears...we embraced. Henry, the love exchanged in that hug was palpable. We clutched onto each other for some time and then broke to get a look at each other and to tell each other how happy we are that this meeting is finally happening. Jmom thought that she would be overwhelmed with emotion. I did too! But she felt like the blog about you has helped her already know our family so the meeting felt happy and relaxed. She was very sweet and had the best time cuddling you and making you laugh.
She laughed and smiled a lot while snapping photos. While she was visiting with us the rest of the family kept calling her to see how things were going. She laughed and told them to, "Let me visit so I can tell you later how it went!" Mommy thinks they wish they had all come along for the Meet Henry Picnic! Later she told us how happy she is that we all found each other. We are so grateful for the graciousness of J and her family in supporting Mommy and Daddy as your parents. Our adoption experience has opened Mommy's eyes to the boundless depths and breadth that humans can be connected to each other. It encompasses forgiving hearts, a hard look at truth, selflessness, a focus on others verses the self, as well as some courage. In a world that can be pessimistic and suspicious of others the hope for our little Henry to have the best life possible washes all of that away. Mommy hopes that you grow up knowing all of the love that has grown between people from different towns and different backgrounds as you set to make your way into this world. Mommy's biggest wish is that these new relationships continue to be positive.
Jmom brought one of J's nieces with her, I'll call her Ms. Monkey because she was all over that playground. You could tell she is a pretty special young lady. She was able to play for 2 hours on the playground happy as a lark. She was also really into getting to know you and helped you down your very first, second, third, and forth slide rides! Ms. Monkey pushed you in the swing and worked hard to make you laugh. She had a good time
climbing up the big net and hitting the top of the post all the way to the top! After a while we needed to go home and get ready to spend the weekend at Grandma P's and Crappaw's. We gave hugs and had Ms. Monkey snapped a picture of the four of us.
It was a great visit and we are happy that it finally happened. I know Jmom is greatly anticipating this blog entry so I better get it posted! I promised I would add more photos than usual.
Henry, we are never done learning about what we are personally capable of and what others are capable of so don't ever be afraid to have big expectations for your life. Please don't sell yourself short and give others the opportunity to show their best selves too.
Playing is a lot of work. Last week when Grandpa Tim was here Auntie Kristin came over and brought you a xylophone! You really like it! We also dragged out your blocks and set up towers for you to knock down. You did this a few times but after trying to whack away at the xylophone and inch wormin' around on your tummy to get Gorilli you were worn out!
I set up a wall with Gorilli hiding behind it. You inched, hunchin' your butt in the air while pulling your knees up under you, made one move forward and bonk! You started to knock down the wall but ran out of steam. I mean you had part of the wall wobblin' and all! But nope! You weren't ready for them to go down until after a 5 minute snooze so there they stayed.
Well, your first 4th of July, the day we celebrate the original English colonists deciding to separate from home country Great Britain based on numerous grievances colonists had stated in the Declaration of Independence................................... Oh wait! This is about you! Mommy will give you the history lesson later. What it means to us today is family, food, and fireworks...
I hate to tell ya that there were no fireworks. Your first 4th was a wash. No really! It rained and rained all day long. There was no Molkky and no swimming... you did get to play with your cousins JD, Kolsen and Nash at Grandma P's and Crappaw's.
We came back to Bloomington and went to hang out at Dave and Kate's. They were a little stressed out due to the bad weather trapping everyone at their party inside, until they saw you! You breathed new life into the thing and we had a nice time with Kate and a couple of her former Pink Bloque friends from Chicago. People enjoyed watching you eat some sweet potatoes and snugglin' you with your jammies on.
I hope when you are more aware of things next year we will be able to see some fabulous fireworks!
Since you live Indiana then you will learn that there is a healthy rivalry between Indiana University and Purdue University. Grandpa Tim and Mommy have had a running joke about the merits of one school over the other. Grandpa Tim's family tradition had been Purdue. Mommy's family tradition has been IU.
While Grandpa Tim was visiting last week he bought you a little Purdue outfit. Mommy put you in it and EVEN THOUGH it is Purdue you still looked pretty cute in it.
Grandpa Tim looked proud of himself. You can wear it around the house but I'm not about to take my baby out in Bloomington, Indiana, home of Indiana University in a Purdue outfit. It could be outright dangerous! Our neighbor bought you an IU onsie you will be able to wear in a month or two. Mommy plans on taking a photo of you in it and sending it to Grandpa Tim sealed with a kiss. For now you can wear the Purdue onesie around the for play, as that is fitting for those Boilermakers...right Grandpa Tim?
Dear Henry, So much time has passed I will do my best to catch things up! Mommy had a dumb cold sinus thing that left me with a lot of gunk in my head and a lack of energy to get things done this past week. I must also add that Papa was home with us all last week and I really could not see taking one minute away from spending time with him while I could. So... What have we all been up to? What new tricks do you have? What new people have you met? I will try to answer these questions in the next few posts.
Now, let me get started.... A couple of weeks ago all of CrappawFoldenauer's brothers and sisters came for a visit to Columbus. This is no small feat as the siblings cover the United States. From Washington, Wyoming, Indiana, Ohio and Virginia the wagons pulled in from all over. Only a couple of them had met you and the rest were super excited to see you. It was a fun filled couple of days with food, swimming, Molkky, and bb guns. Henry, you will soon learn that the Foldenauers' are as unique in their personalities as they are unique in their looks. You will spared the nose but I hope the sense of humour and innovative spirits don't escape you in the years to come.
Molkky became your Daddy's favorite game in quick time. I mentioned that the Foldenauers are innovative. As Daddy started to play everyone had an idea of how to adapt the stick so that he could easily participate. The next time we went to Crappaw's he and Daddy tried out two or pins numbered 1-12 and each player has a throwing stick in which they take turns trying to hit down the numbered pins. Each player wants to make it to 50 first, avoiding going over 50 or taking three turns without hitting anything. It is easy to play with a lot of people and super fun. We joked about making you a miniature set to get you started early honing your skills. Crappaw did make Daddy a beautiful set out of table legs Great Uncle Don scavenged from a Holiday Inn remodel. Hey! You gotta do something with 100 table legs! Not so safe but a lot of fun Crappaw tied a rope to the end of a raft and pulled people through the pool until he ran out of gas. You however are way too tiny yet to try this so you floated around for a very long time in your Bumbo. Great Auntie Glo enjoyed this time with you and spent a long time letting you pinch her nose with your toes and singing you funny songs.
It can be hard to get everyone together very frequently so it is always nice when everyone can make it. This is particularly true when several members of the family had some pretty serious medical conditions at the same time.
You were given lots of love and welcomed into the family with open arms. It was a fun time and Daddy and Mommy did not want to leave but we were in the middle of getting our new van and had to go to Indianapolis. I can't wait for you to grow up and get to know this cast of characters.