Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Conner Praire

Hazel, Ella, Jonny, Tyler, Jack, Henry
Dear Hensril and Hazelletta, 
Last week to our delight Mommy's cousin Wendy called up and wanted to meetup at Conner Prairie.  Well! I have wanted to go there forever but just haven't done it so despite the cold weather we bundled up and did it.  I am so glad we did.  Mama, being a history teacher, loves little living history towns.  You loved the town but really loved getting to meet up with your cousin Jonny Cakes, his house is just around the corner as well as second cousins Ella, Tyler and Jack.  I enjoyed listening to you all figure out how you were related as Tyler argued you were all cousins and you asserted that you were in fact second cousins because Jonny and Tony were your only first cousins.  We had quite a crew.  Aunt Claricee was there but she was smart enough to stay inside protected from the cold while we checked out the town.  We started out riding a little shuttle to the town store.  Of course you were all excited about this.  
It dropped us off at the general store where the Civil War was is full swing.  We were greeted by a soldier who had us hide important papers before the Confederate army came in to search the grounds.  When Confederate soliders came into the store our Union solidered shouted for us to get down.  Our little crew did not hesitate. 
When "shots" were fired I looked over at you Henry and your eyes were GIANT and your mouth was clearly trying to maintain cool while your brain reminded you this wasn't real.  Before the second shots were fired you decided to scoot yourself under a little table for cover.  
SO! SMART!  You weren't taking any chances.  Of course Hazel you slept through it all.   Next Tyler spoke with a lady who had a picture scavenger hunt for us to do.  This was fun seeing you all find the picture, run to the building and ask questions.  The first was a house where you asked questions about living there and played with some wooden soldiers.  You were all grossed out by their dishes in the sink and how they got clean water.

Then it was to the blacksmith's shop where you looked around and helped them do work by putting the different types of horseshoes away.  You and Jonny weren't happy about not getting to finish the task but Ella and Tyler had found a fun game with a hoop and pole.  
The mercantile showed you how to weigh nails.  The shop keeper asked you to do some work for him unloading the wagon out back of its crate boxes of china.  You boys took this seriously and made short work of it together. 
I think you would have stayed at the candle making stand forever.  This was very exciting to get to dip the string into the hot wax.  
Little Jack was in love with the animal barn and when we left kept turning back to find his way back to the cute baby goat.  About that time Wendy and I had caramel apples on our mind and decided we should round up Aunt Claricee and get us some.  
OH MAN! They were awesome and Aunt Claricee was nice enough to treat us all.  We bought some extra to take home to Daddy.  Nothing is sweeter than watching kids gnaw at caramel apples.  
(I'll confess here that I hid them in the cupboard and we ate them after you fell asleep.) Well, it was time to go home at this point so we said our goodbyes and got on our way.  We have to do something all together again. It was nice and familure having family cousin time.  
I'm glad the two of you have so many cousins, even if most of them are second cousins (14).  I know what my cousins have meant to me over the years.
Love, Mama 

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