Friday, November 2, 2012

20 Ways I Love You

Dear Henny, 
Yesterday you got into the hall closet dragging out all of the hats and scarves.  At first I was a little ticked because I had spent the last two hours struggling to get the house clean and now there was a tremendous wreck in the hall that would keep Daddy from being able to get through in his chair and I was going to have to clean it up, and that dang closet is already a wreck enough.  Instead of getting on you I allowed you to play while I folded some laundry.  I came back through the hall to find you making yourself a crazy dragon monster.  You looked transformed.  I loved it!  You had three hats and about 20 plus scarves on your small frame. (You just woke up and brought me a can of whipped cream to squirt in your mouth!  You're something else!)  Daddy and I couldn't get enough of it.  You asked me to help you finish the job so I wrapped around more scarves and helped you put on some gloves.  We went outside to take some monster pictures and when we came in you threw everything into a big pile.  I got an idea.  I wanted to wrap you back up againLately you've been asking us, "Guess how much I love you?" and then you flap your arms around to make them as large as possible.  I adore this little exercize so I thought I'd do it back.  I stood you in front of me and looked you in the eyes.  
I told you I was going to wrap you up in how much I love you.  I gently told you one way I love you for each scarf.  You didn't break your eyes from mine.  After the first three scarves you leaned forward for a kiss after each subsequent wrap.  When I ran out of scarves you fell into my lap for a cuddle.  I'll save the reasons I love you just between us, though I am certain it is no secret.  It was a precious exchange after a rough day for you at the dentist.  I love you my sweet dude.  I don't want to ever hesitate to tell you why or how much.
Love, Mama

1 comment:

Kristen Wright said...

You're such an amazing mom. It's no secret how much I admire your beautiful family. I think Henry is amazing and I can't wait to see Hazel grow up on this blog too!