Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Two Sweet

Dear Hazie Mazie, 
I had to post these because you are incredibly sweet.  Grandma P bought this little wicker stroller for you to play with someday.  Henny loves this thing!  but for now I'll just prop you in it for a few picts.  
Love you sweet girl, Mama
Dear Peep, 
I love a cold morning to put a cool hat on your head.  You do too.  Love this cuddly moment.  Your pants are rolled because the transition between short pants and long pants was a little difficult.  You were less than thrilled by the feel of the pants on your ankles.  Love your quirky little butt, 

We were playing different animals, here you are a fox getting away.

Look at you babies!  (Just look at them!)  I still feel like I am stuck in a dream.  Can I really have two children as special and sweet and crazy as these two?  I look at these pictures and I see each of their birth mama's, Hazel's WW and Henny's JoJo and I wouldn't/couldn't have it any other way.  We are sisters and women in the world that needed each other in may different ways.  I love them both.  My gratitude makes me crumble at times.  It also makes me stronger to make the difficult parent choices I need to make as a parent.  Still in disbelief, I look at them, snuggle their soft skin, whisper to them and breathe in all that goes into their being.  By nature and nurture these babies are going to be the coolest ever.

1 comment:

Brook said...

Lisa this post cracks me up. Love it. He certainly did look "John Cougar-y".