Sunday, October 7, 2012

Going on a Dig

Dear Peep, 
Our great friends Heather, Phillipe and the twinx just returned from France and they brought you the best gift EVER!  It was a little block of chalky stuff that had a mammoth skeleton hidden inside.  They kit gives you a couple of tools to dig out the mammoth like a real paleontologist.  It was so cute!  You worked SO hard on getting those bones out.  You spent a good hour working on it.  You would work real hard then sit back letting out a WEW!  exclaiming you're getting so tired.  We would offer that perhaps you should take a break and come back to it and you'd take a deep breath, lean forward and dig in again.  You REALLY wanted to get that skeleton together.  When the first bone poked out you cheered and yelled out, "A BONE!"  Then the chalky material really started to fly!  
Finally! A tusk!

Daddy and I were so impressed with your passion to get the job done, even with growing frustrated and tired your focus stayed on the task at hand.  We finished it up and put it together.  You were really excited about this.  It was a great evening together.  The dust, chunks and mess was impressive, always a good sing that fun and learning are being had.  We loved seeing you so excited.  There are lots of sets so we think Santa Claus my be bringing you more if he is making them this year in his workshop. I believe you decided this one needs to hang from your ceiling.
We love how cool you are. 
Love, Mama

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