Friday, October 29, 2010

Gone Visitin'

Dear Henry,
Last week we took a trip over to J's neck of the woods for a much needed visit.  We've bumped into each other several times over the summer but life and some health issues for J made it difficult to get us all in the same place at the same time.  It was one of the best visits yet.  When we arrived J and the boys were rounding around the corner and began to sprint to make it to us.  We got out of the car quickly and she scooped you up.  We played with the boys' toys for while and then jammed two car seats and a booster into Mama's small backseat.  Then we went to get some food at BW3.  J and I had gotten to chit chattin' and kept forgetting to look at the menu so we could order.  The poor waitress came back at least 4 times before we were ready.  Tommy and Uriah are so well behaved in a restaurant.  Tommy readily shared his french fries with you.  It was so sweet!  Then we went to a really cool playground.  It is shaped like a big castle with lots of different things to climb on and to play with.  
Unfortunate for us, community service was out restaining and sealing the wood before winter.  Even so, there were many areas we could still play on.  You and Uriah enjoyed takin' turns driving the little car.  Uriah is about to be three at the end of November and you and your bigself has almost passed up his size.  It was cute seeing you play together.  After the playground we went back to their house and played in the yard for about an hour.  It was SO nice outside I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have some more laughs with J and for you to play with the boys.  You scooted around on one of the riding toys, getting brave you knocked yourself off of the curb and got your first road rash.  Tommy kept jumping on me and the both boys were extra cuddly and sweet this visit.  They are really growin' up.  
Alas it was time to leave and as J was saying goodbye and you gave her a long awaited kiss and said, "I wuv ewe!"  Her face turned bright red with excitement and we let Tommy bribe some more, "I wuv ewes," out by slippin' you an M & M.  It was getting late so we had to get on the road.  J gave you a little pumpkin to take with you.  You have played so much with that pumpkin, rolling it around the yard and carrying it around the house in your little shopping cart.  It was hard saying goodbye and my
 heart startin' missin' them right away.  It was so wonderful to see how great their lives are going right now.  Mama is so grateful that J is your birthmom and my good friend.  We all love you so much Henny.
Love, Mama