Friday, October 22, 2010

My Lip Gloss is Cool, My Lip Gloss is Poppin'

Dear Peep-o,
Turns out a major priority these days is totally smoochy lips since you've learn to pucker your kisser.  Since I was about 10 I believe, tradition has dictated that every Christmas Bahboo and Grandma P gift me Bonnie Bell, Lip Smackers (the smoothest formula by far) or some other fruity, flavored, heavily scented lip gloss intended for 12 year old girls.  Every year I use them and they always gradually make their way into the middle drawer in the bathroom.  The same drawer where I keep my retainer I stopped wearing at 17, all of my old awkward glasses and disinfectant for contact lenses for which I'm too lazy to maintain using.  
When Mama has a tube in the car.  I put it on my lips and then yours as I strap you into the car seat.  You purse your lips together and jut your little chin out to make your face available for a good waxy coating.  Sometimes I'm not fast enough and you try to bite a little taste off.  Ewe!  Recently you caught me getting a tasty grape skittles tube and the jig was up!  
You can open the bathroom door so nothing stops you from breaking away when I'm not looking and grabbing as many as you can, ripping off the caps and trying them all on.  I love your little hoarding hands grasping them all close to your slightly hunched over body jonesin' for a Very Berry Christmas or perhaps a Dr. Pepper lip fix.  As I approach you scramble even faster with a clutch even C4 couldn't break.  
The flavors you really like end up with a baby finger shoved into them digging out a scoop that ends up in your mouth all over your teeth.  After a few weeks chasing you out the bathroom I decided to get them all out and throw out the expired ones hoping to narrow it down to five easy to keep track of, only to discover I am just as attached to their allure.  I had about 40 stockpiled up!  Slightly reduced in numbers I let you try as many as your heart desired then I put them all away in top of the linen closet before I have a strawberry surprise make it in the washer and dryer all over the clothes.  As you tried one you would then gently smear some on mine.  Your lips had so many layers on them I really enjoyed your greasy smiles.  Now I pull one out each day for you to try.  You squeal a little when I take them back but you seemed to be okay with it.  These photos could be better but you're hard to catch when you think I'm going to take something away.  I love your persistence.
Love, Mama

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