Monday, August 2, 2010

Campin' Take Two

           Dear Henry
Camping the second time around went much better.  This time we brought Dave and Kate to experience their first camp out which gave you more people to play with.  We were smart and got you really tired before getting there by swimming at Grandma P's and Bahboo's house first.  With a lot of food and many popscicles down the hatch you were content.  There were a lot of people there and you played really hard so by the 
 time we got to Grandpa Tim's farm for hot dogs you were already winding down.  You gobbled down a bag of goldfish while waiting for your hot dog.  I got the fire ready while Dave and Kate set up their first tent and Dadoo kept an eye on you.  You woofed down a hot dog like it was your last meal and then played in the tent some until a melt down creeped in, initiated by you realizing you were zipped in and so I took you off to bed without a problem.  This left the rest of the evening for the adults to eat lots of s'mores, to tell stories and to relax.  You slept well and in the morning we cooked breakfast and Grandma P and Bahboo joined us for bacon, eggs and juice.
I was proud of the way you tried to help Kate put the tent away.  It was very cute. 
I think you're going to be a great little camper after all!  You like to explore, cook on the fire and you were able to avoid diving toward the fire this time, which can be totally problematic.
Love, Mama

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