Saturday, August 28, 2010

Did I Tell Ya You Love the Water?

Dear Fishry,

Have I mentioned how much you love the water?  Oh, well here are some more examples of swimming at Bahboo and Grandma P's pool, the hot tub, bath and just gettin' your face in the water.  You love makin' friends in the water too and picked up this sweet little honey at the splash park a couple of weeks ago.  You don't yet have a refined pick up line but you smoothly tried to "borrow" her little cup.  Mommy's cousin's boys JD, Kolsen and Nash came by for a swim and Grandma P's and Bahboo's.  JD loves helping you do things.  Nash jumped from the diving board for one of the first times!  It was really cool.  
Another day Ella, Tyler, Kerri, Clarice and Wendy made a pool visit.  Ella liked making you water balloons and Bahboo enjoyed letting them go in your face to hear you giggle.    You and Jonny had a great time playing in the tub during his visit and playing at the public pool together.  Jonny went down the slide for the first time and Anthony did some crazy good flips from the diving board. 
If we ask you to put your face in the water, even if you aren't in water, you will.  So cute.

Enjoy the pictures.  The public pool has closed so our water fun is likely to taper off of a while now.  So sad.
Love, Mama

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